Squattish Shooters Ahoy!

@Jasko : Thank you kindly, sir! It’s back on.

Ral-Terak Combine Sagitaur ATV

As is standard practice with all vehicles of the Ral-Terak Combine, this Sagitaur (nicknamed Gustr, meaning puff of wind) is heavily ornamented and carries plenty of baggage and equipment for expeditions. Since the Sagitaur is but a light scout and transport vehicle, it lack grav-jacks altogether, unlike the heavier wains of the Ral-Terak Combine such as the Hekaton Land Fortress.

Warm thanks to @Eisenhans for gifting me this Sagitaur kit when it was brand new for Christmas 2022 A.D.

I immediately set about cleaning mouldlines and assembling this joyful moon car, filling in gaps at once as they appeared when parts were glued together. It was all but assembled, and then life threw a big spanner in the works, and most of my home had to be packed down into boxes for renovations and upgrades. After a hectic and draining 2023, I have finally started to catch up with health and various projects again. The Sagitaur was the first of my own miniatures to be unpacked when I two days ago decided that I should work on my own collection for once. Everything in green stuff and bits taken from 7th and 6th edition Dwarf kits were added on over two days, and suddenly the vehicle was finished as regard assembly and conversions. Painting will have to wait until I have decided upon a colour scheme, but I am unusually eager to get this buggy painted.

The new Squat background is fantastic. Some of the absolute best ever written for all of Warhammer 40’000 from Rogue Trader and onward. The background and visual nods to the Dark Age of Technology happened to play into my hands so strongly that I am laughing all the way to the bank. Unbelievable free goal served on a silver platter by official sources, so to speak.

As to looks, Games Workshop did great work when designing the Sagitaur in particular, and overall I am impressed how well the NASA-punk aesthetic works for Squats in general, reminiscent of Terrans from glorious Starcraft. The aesthetic is not a perfect fit, but that only means that Games Workshop left me a challenge to make the aesthetic threads come together in a knotwork of futuristic design, runes, ancestor medallions and an abundance of baggage and tools. And big beards!

Seeing Olthannon’s wonderful conversions for his Kin in general and his Sagitaur in particular spurred me to unbox this vehicle and copy his conversions. I have built nothing as fine as his trailer, but I hope to eventually walk in his tracks on that count as well.

Kin is kin. Rock and stone!