Suggestions for a BSB model

Apologies if this has been asked before, but does anyone have any suggestions for an army standard bearer model please.

I’ve got original GW big hats, but I removed the back banner poles from the heros as they constantly got bent and I didn’t like the way they looked anyway. Now I find the lack of a suitable model is the main thing my army is short of.

I quite like the Fablezel Classic Demonsmith, but it’s on a massive rock that appears to need a 40mm base. I just wondered if there are other options out there that I’m not aware of. Thanks.

I use this fellow as my BSB:

But he does indeed have the back banners, so maybe that’s no go.

A fellow named Nick Kay made some remixes of the Fabelzel minis. Among them a couple of unique standard bearers, here they are:

:point_up: They aren’t exactly heroic in their appearance, but they are different and have impressive banners, if anything. I won’t send you STL’s for these, but you have two options:

  1. Sign up for his Patreon, if you haven’t already, pay for a month and get access to everything. It’s really not that much. Or 2) Wait a while for the whole shabang to go freeware. He has declared retirement from sculpting for the time being, and has said that he’d make everything free within the near future.
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We had a golden hat or artisans for a BSB. So check that out