The Great Book of Curses (A community catalogue of failure)

The Great Book of Curses

“I do not hold a grudge against my enemy…

“Grudges” are what the western traitors hold. As if by tallying one’s failures to enact revenge in a timely manner is a sign of honour and strength. Only fool allows a slight to go unchallenged.

I have no such book in my towers…although there is perhaps one work in my library that serves a similar, yet more direct purpose.

“Garuz Dumshkal Fowmanz” The great book of curses I believe it is called in your tongue.

It is bound in daemon skin and inked with sacred cuneiform. It contains within its pages, the greatest of my curses, reserved for my most hated of foes.

Incantations and secret daemonic rites, hand crafted to torment, weaken and bring ruin upon those whom I wish to destroy are penned in ink of liquid magic.

Where the western Dawi wait out their time, growing fat and embittered in their mountain holds, the Uzkul-Dhrath-Zharr work the stuff of chaos, bend it to our will and force it bring about the downfall of those who have done us wrong.

To find yourself in the book of curses is to be marked to die, either by the blades of my infernal guard or to wither and rot from the inside, preyed upon by the never-born who do my will.

I do not hold a grudge, I simply take my vengeance without hesitation. I curse you…And you die.

Look upon my works and despair”

Oxymandias the Mad - sorcerer prophet of Zharr Naggrund

The Great Book of Curses

Welcome CDO Gamer to the “Great Book of Curses”

Think of this as a chaos dwarfs answer to the Great Book of Grudges.

This new and exciting addition to our battle report section is a place for you to record any embarrassing losses, terrible dice roles, encounters with overpowered enemy heroes or moments of bad luck that simply cannot go unpunished in your games.

To add to the great book of curses simply post below, explain briefly what happened in your game that must not go unpunished and then come up with a creative curse to go alongside it.

Hashut will, I am sure, answer your pleas and strike down those who have done you wrong.

NOTE: this is a bit of fun. Curse enemy models (or your own if they let you down) but not actual human opponents please! No matter how beardy your opponent is, seeing their name on an internet list of curses is probably not very nice haha :joy:

To illustrate how I envision this thread to be used I will begin with a recount of my first ever game of 8th edition where I was utterly destroyed and I believe that a curse was probably in order…



“Curse the grey reindeer riders of the fairy forest. May their green stockings shrink in the wash and their pointed ears droop.

Oh mighty Hashut, bring upon the wood elves middle aged spread. Make them so corpulent that they break the backs of their mounts and become cast out of their forest realms due to strict elven beauty standards.

In Hashut’s name I curse them!!!”

(Context: In one of my first games of 8th I was learning the mechanics of movement but playing against a fast cavalry wood elf force which danced circles around me and totally tied up my large blocks of infantry. And the army wasn’t painted *spits *)



“By Hashut may the frog-men and their horse-lizards be dammed. May their lush forest cities fall to flame and ashes, their skin tearing from the humidless heat of our furnaces.

By Hashut I command their kin to fall to the same hunger our slaves endure and their magics to be forever cursed by the never-born.


(Context: Recent game of TOW, my opponent ran a scar-veteran mounted on Carnosaur which I did not expected to be THAT fast or pass beyond the river without getting blasted by my fireglaives. Their Slann cast Moonson with a double 6(!!!) over my IG and their weapons drenched in water making them -1 to hit forever. It was a massacre, the Canosaur is a true monster)



"Oh Hashut! A thousand curses on the umgak followers of your lesser cousins. Take their heads, for they love so much to wallow in their meaningless tallness. Break their sword and shield, even if they were made by your true sons, for they love to brandish weapons their feeble minds could not comprehend.

Oh Hashut! Show them your glory so they may see their folly. In your mines cast them, so their continued existence, short as it may be, may be filled with endless worship to you. Unworthy they are to receive your gifts of stone and steel, unworthy to march alongside your true sons to glory, unworthy to breath under your watchful gaze.

Oh Hashut! Destroy those who would betray your sons!"

(Context: My first game with Chaos Dwarfs in WHFB 8th I played against Warriors of Chaos. My poor Skullcracker was charged by Chaos Knights, so he was completely unable to do any impact hits or stomp attacks and was slowly but surely destroyed. What a shame.)



Curse the brettonian knights for saving 7/10 wounds I did to them with a charge in their flank. I curse their wardsaves, AND their stupid lady!



“The cowardly blunderers who fled from the goatmen in front of our Norscan allies. You bring shame upon your houses. May you father simpletons. May you dig deep and find nought but rock. May your beards uncurl and your hats diminish in stature. I curse you.”

(Context: Tonight, my chaos dwarfs were allied into my Norscan raiders and really let the side down. Curse of new paint? The cowards shot a few harpies but fled the second it started to look dangerous. How embarrassing in front of the chaos warriors?)