The hats aren't big enough (TOW) by garack

Hello fellow enjoyers of the little evil.

Wellcome to my project I want to share with the hotspot for the choas dwarf community. My Name is Peter and im from germany, starte to collect warhammer 40k (orks) in 1999 and always wanted to play fantasy. My friends back then wouldnt so ihad to wait. Later i played ogres, orks n Goblins or dawi but only because for me it Was simply not possible to get some of those og models from the 90s.

Actually I wanted to start this thread way before and take part at the golden hat and make a few cool Things till now. Unfortunately I broke my main arm and wasn’t able to contribute, not to mention build and paint a good miniature.

But I couldn’t resist to actually do at least something. I tried to paint a few testminis to finde out which colors I want and decided to go with the classic yellow red and blues, because the classics are what inspired ne in the first place and even tho I have pink night Goblin and like colors and creativity this army will mostly try to be nostalgisch including old looking miniatures. I wohnt copy the old style but I want to orientate the colors on it.

I saw an army with pale blueisch skin in this board and liked it alot, so I want to do it myself. Yellow instead of gold or Chopper metallic seems more fitting. Still I don’t want to look it to cartoonisch. We will see how able I am to do that.

For the first models I made a 500pts list I want to finish first.

Chaos Dwarfs [500 pts]

Heroes 174 pts

Daemonsmith Sorcerer [85 pts]

  • General
  • Daemonology

Hobgoblin Khan [89 pts]

  • Giant Wolf
  • Ruby Ring of Ruin

Core 190pts

10 Infernal Guard [160 pts]

  • Hailshot blunderbuss

10 Hobgoblin Cutthroats [30 pts]

  • Shortbows

Special 60 pts

10 Sneaky Gits [60 pts]

Rare 76 pts

5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders [76 pts]

  • musician

With this I think have a solid core to build upon and a nice looking little Group if someone really wants to play a 500pts game.
For the future I will go like this (At least its the Idea) and add miniatures with 500 pts to paint, before starting something different for this army.

Pictures will follow as soon as I’m home.


Welcome! Eagerly awaiting pictures! ^^

1 Like

This will be a fine starting force to get into it.
Our group always loved small 500 point games.
Cant wait to see them.
Phrase Hashut.


A well it’s to late now, I will so it tomordow when the sun is up.

I plan on playing a game with them this year. The time has come, were my friends and I don’t play as much anymore because of timemanagenent and such. But when we play we only do it with full painted models and lovely detailed boards. Thats my ambition and I will share.

Hashut - bless you!


Soo, here are some pictures. Right now I am printing bases for the Rest. In the time I had, when I could do nothing I allready printed a big Part of the army. There will come at least 25 of each Standard type unit. (or two small ones) an iron deamon, a mortar, a Black Ork on wyvern, a Lammasu… Yeah. Lots of stuff.

For the bases i will go with a rocky earthy ground and maybe a little flora, but burned. Every unit will have a full command just for the looks. I dont plan to play them like this, but I want to go the visual way and therefore it’s nicer. The real big problem might be the doubled miniatures, even tho I have the spare hats and can vary a bit, but the poses still look same. I strumbled uppon this while basing the archers. Unfortnuately i dont find any Hobgobbo with bow that is just staying (for a second row) and not shooting.
Also I dont know how well its seen, but I am thinking on asking here for STL files? Is that okay or not?


Some closeups of the color testing and a picture of the whole bunch. It’s Not much to See jet but for the records.
The blue skin with red eyes is what I’ll do to all of them.


Today I can show the first one in the colors they will get. In the bigger view I see some small stuff, but I don’t want to overdo ot with highlighting and stuff for the Units and invest more time into big monsters, characters and warmashines.



Excellent use of @Fabelzel minis :fire:

I totally switched up the threads and posted in the “hello-topic” instead of here. If a mod could fix that I would be glad.

Or I just keep posting here again. This is what it looks like right now.

I will keep adding details. Right now im still working on a clear basecoloring. My idea is to make it look classy like the green based days, but then adding some new elements like basing and weathering to it.
I didn’t paint miniatures for a while now and restart with trying some stuff with new colors and such.

So Im not sure if a project 500 is still a good idea. I will keep addings stuff when I can, but will try to not let it die after this delayed start.


My fellow darkbeards. Today I need some validation from strangers of the web for something I would do anyways.

I painted the dwarfs with wash and then i didnt liked them. In fact so much that I did not even made a picture.
Instead I thought about what to do with this clownesque unit that was so colawfull it was allready disgusting. The oldschool look is nice and what I want but I missed it somehow. So I redid it but better.

Basecoat is allmost clean. A few things are still to do till I can say at least the base is fine, but I like the look, the colors and especially the goblin green sticks. They make it look oldschool more then anything else and I love it!


These look fantastic! The color stands out so strong, great contrast


Thank you. That is what i like too with theese typical basecolors.
My plan is still to highlight and weather it a bit. I’m doing details right now, bolts and bits, eyes and teeth… I guess the best would be to varnish them - because they are usable right now - and firstly paint a few more units.