The Old World maps...More speculation

Sorry if this is old news, or posted before, but it’s the first time I’ve seen GW add some newer (?) updates to the map of The Old World…and the Plain of Zharr is still there, but completely barren.
Not a single marked location that I can spot within Zharr.
And what is the “Ozergrany” territory in Zorn Uzkul?
Newly renamed for the body of water? Which now apparently has a dark tower in the center?
I’m also not familiar with “Uzkulany”, which sounds more Slavic than Zharr.
There also appears to be quite a few other renamed/added spots on the outskirts of Zharr, but again, nothing familiar to me.
Oh well, at least the Hobgoblins are on the map :heart:

Again, my apologies if this is old news


Yeah I’m no expert either, but seems to me they strengthened Kislev in that area at the expense of Chaos Dwarfs. I think those kislevite keeps along the silk road are new too, right?


Yes, I think you’re right, there seems to be quite a few new Kislev keeps along the roads.
And sadly, as you said, it seems Kislev has expanded into Dawi Zharr lands…I’m all for more expansion of Kislev, Khanates and Cathay into the game, but sad to see the central Plains of Zharr literally empty.


They are happy to concede that the Chaos Dwarfs physically exist in their World of Legend setting, but it stops there.

And good for us, I say. We’ve proven better custodians over the years.

I’d rather not be told the precise studio-defined list of fortresses and heraldry when we have so much scope for our own instead.


Louise drew this map and quit before she completed it. She thought it would be completed by other designers but they released it unfinished. ← info from her partner Rob


I don’t mind it either. I never imagined chaos dwarfs “ruling” over the Dark Lands anyway, they also have no interest in that. Zharr Naggrund is their only real city, it’s where the vast majority of them are and they stay there. The rest are towers or gates or other strongholds and military garrisons, but it’s not like there are small settlements or so. The whole Silk Road going through “their terrain” would be hard to imagine otherwise.


I didn’t know that, was there any given reason why she quit work on the map?

It’s definitely a good concession to be acknowledged at least as existing…and I wholeheartedly agree with you that CDO is a better source of inspiration than anything that GW in its current state of affairs could ever hope to offer to us.
But I also would be giggling with delight like a child in a candy shop if GW had included just one little Dawi Zharr fortress or enclave on the map.

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Cause she quit GW and started rogue hobbies YouTube

I think from their perspective the map is finished. It’s not a map of the “World of Legend” after all… It’s a map of the Old World.