Cheers mate and well met!
Just in general I’d say that’s a good and balanced list. You have a solid game plan and selected your army accordingly.
I do have a few comments/questions
- For a unit of 19 Ironsworn you unfortunately can only have Detachments of 9 models (it’s half of the models, rounding down)
- 10 models wide for the Fireglaives is great in theory, but a potential problem is that they are 25cm wide. I had the same when I had 10 Irondrakes, and they were even still on their old 20mm bases, but that is such a massive wheel at movement 3, the unit is really cumbersome this way. Something to keep in mind.
- I couldn’t help but notive that you have no magic items and barely any additional equipment. Is that something your game group just does? I mean I do like it, but only if your opponents do the same. Otherwise you’ll probably get outmatched pretty fast.
Also take a look at the Big Chaos Dwarf Tactics Compendium, maybe there’s something in there to help you.