[TOW] 2k chaos dwarfs test list

Omg look at us - sharing lists for the same game and same edition. 2007 all over again!

So here’s my list. Comes in at 1998pts. Requires maybe 20 or so models to be painted to be finished ( because playing with unpainted models is immoral and every time you do it Nigel stillman, wherever he is, has a little cry)

The gunners are blunderbuss units and have the ol’ detachment thing going on

The standard beaer, Enkidu, has a lammasus beard banner and a ruby ring of ruin because it’s my fav magic item in the game. Fireballs are awesome.

The daemonsmith is a level 2 straight outta the box (mostly here for cannon control.)

Oxymandias the mad is a level 4 with a bedazzling helm and talisman of protection.

I imagine this to be quite a static army Hoping to just put out lots of hatred in the shooting phase via magic missiles and actual missiles.

When they get close stand and shoot and then fight my big hatted bastards.

I’m not a competitive player (you can tell because I gave my characters cute names) but wanted to add to the general conversation around what’s hot and not in the darklands these days.

(Seriously guys, same game!!! We finally have a common chaos dwarf lingua hashuta- it’s beautiful)


Update @chitzkoi thinks it’s shit and I should try harder. Any other advice?


Don’t take my quotes out of context, heretic


Jokes aside, this army list feels strangely familiar. I think i can hear my night goblins panicking all the way from their shipping container in the Red Sea, and it ain’t Houthi rockets they’re scared of.

I think terrain will be very important for this army’s performance.


Yeah you ain’t wrong. I’ve really not deviated too far from what I did in 8th here. Biggest difference is the addition of earthshaker and less dwarfs. My snow based army had lots more bodies but my big hat one is slowly growing.

You’d not wanna play it every week but I think it could be fun from time to time


It’s very stout, but definitely not ineffective list. Classic Dwarf values.


It’s good for a gentleman’s game of sensible core but I worry about utility pieces for facing something like Ogres, WoC or any monster mash. If the artillery whiffs, it could get ugly fast.


Artillery dice never fail me … :thinking:


Oh is that what they’re for? Rolling hits? I’ve been using them wrong.


I was workshopping a similar list, but I went for screening units of hobos instead of the multiple units of IG. Also a second Daemonsmith to back up those multiple war machines:

CD gunline 2k [1984 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Chaos Dwarfs

++ Characters [687 pts] ++

Sorcerer-Prophet [295 pts]

  • Hand weapon
  • Heavy armour
  • Be a Level 4 Wizard
  • On foot
  • Talisman of Protection
  • Flying Carpet
  • Elementalism

Daemonsmith Sorcerer [100 pts]

  • Hand weapon
  • Heavy armour
  • Naptha bombs
  • On foot
  • Dark Magic

Daemonsmith Sorcerer [100 pts]

  • Hand weapon
  • Heavy armour
  • Naptha bombs
  • On foot
  • Dark Magic

Infernal Seneschal [192 pts]

  • Darkforged weapon
  • Heavy armour
  • Naptha bombs (not pistol)
  • Battle Standard Bearer [Razor Standard]
  • The Mask Of The Furnace
  • Enchanted Shield

++ Core Units [657 pts] ++

24 Infernal Guard [537 pts]

  • Hand weapons
  • Heavy armour
  • Shield
  • Deathmask (Naphta bombs) [Hellshard]
  • Standard bearer [War Banner]
  • Musician
  • 12 Infernal Guard [Fireglaives + Heavy armour]

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats [60 pts]

  • Hand weapons and shortbow

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats [60 pts]

  • Hand weapons and shortbow

++ Special Units [240 pts] ++

1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher [120 pts]

  • Demolition Rockets
  • Infernal Incendiaries
  • Hand weapons
  • Heavy armour

1 Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher [120 pts]

  • Demolition Rockets
  • Infernal Incendiaries
  • Hand weapons
  • Heavy armour

++ Rare Units [400 pts] ++

1 Dreadquake Mortar [185 pts]

  • Dreadquake Mortar
  • Hand weapons
  • Heavy armour
  • Ogre Loader

Hellcannon [215 pts]

  • Doomfire
  • Hand weapons

Created with “Old World Builder”


I never did quite find out where the remaining 14pts should go :man_shrugging: Magic lore on the prophet is up for debate, I felt like elementalism would be the way to go, since I planned to keep him out of combat and whizz around on the carpet to cause havoc.

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Get a Darkforged Weapon for the Sorcerer-Prophet.

I mean, on the off chance I roll a 6 and get +1 to cast, that’d be great, but the rest of the buffs are melee centered - he’s not supposed to take any part in that mess, so I kind of consider it lost points on him.

In any case, this thread is not about my list, so it doesn’t really matter :grin:

The 2k list I intend to run has bull centaurs and everything. Even a Tau’ruk :astonished:

Still a 1/6 chance to get something you would actively want and there is no negative result plus apparently you don’t have any other use for the 10pts so why waste it, and lastly even if you don’t want your Sorcerer-Prophet in combat, he might still end up in one! Your opponent has a battle plan too, you know :wink:

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You’re not wrong. Only, with the flying carpet, I’ll have to screw up royally to expose him to the risk of an enemy charge :sweat_smile: I’ve been known to do that in the past, though, so never say never, I suppose :see_no_evil:

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Only so many places you can go sometimes :man_shrugging:
Darkforged Weapon can also go on one of the Daemonsmiths, if you think they’ll more likely see combat.

And it seems you are 16 points under and not 14, so you can also just give the Sorcerer-Prophet some Naphta bombs.

Math was never my strong suit :sweat_smile: Naphtho bömbs seems like a good investment for a relatively mobile troublemaker :thinking:

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You should really consider painting up some hobgoblins for this list. I knew a guy that painted a whole army of them in a few weeks…

30pts for 10 hobbos with s bows…so good!

I think the detachment rule would be nice for this army if you re-allocate bodies around . The stand and shoot of the detachment (i think) counts towards combat resolution.

Its just about having fun though

Let us know how this list does!


Haha appreciate the hobgoblin centric answers dudes but see this very much as a chaos dwarf army - at least for the time being. That will cause shortcomings I’m sure (no dwarf pun intended) but I like the aesthetic


Fair enough!

In that case: Get some Ironsworn :wink:


Yes good call - just upgrade a unit :man_shrugging:t2:

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