[TOW] 500 point list ideas

This list is for a slow-grow league starting soon in my area. It’s not really meant to be competitive so much as a way to field as many fun units as possible. Any and all comments/suggestions welcome.

The Seneschal will be embedded with the IG as the main meat block. The hobs work as an off center harassment unit while the detachment with fireglaives will shoot/flank charge anything hitting the main IG.

The gits are there for back field/hero harassment while the k’daai will hunt and/or work to draw threats as I slowly move up the board.

Chaos Dwarfs - 500 points - [499pts]

Chaos Dwarfs - Main Force [499pts]

Characters [60pts]

Infernal Seneschal [60pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, General

Core [250pts]

Hobgoblin Cutthroats [37pts]:
• 10x Cutthroat [3pts]: Hand Weapon
• 1x Boss [7pts]
Infernal Guard [138pts]: Shield
• 10x Infernal Guard [11pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour
• 1x Deathmask [6pts]
• 1x Standard Bearer [6pts]
• 1x Musician [6pts]
Infernal Guard [75pts]: Fireglaive, Infernal Guard[2]
• 5x Infernal Guard [11pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour

Special [189pts]

K’daai Fireborn [123pts]:
• 3x K’daai Fireborn [41pts]: Hand Weapon
Sneaky Gits [66pts]:
• 10x Sneaky Git [6pts]: Throwing Weapon, Two Hand Weapon
• 1x Murder Boss [6pts]


Not much wiggle room at 500 pts, I think any list is as good as the next here :slight_smile:
This particular one - yeah sure!

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I like the IG block + detachment, and the k’daii pack some punch.

My main worry would be a lack of ranged power, speed and magic.

Your list looks beefy but if the other guy brings a bunch of ranged stuff you might not make it there.

Maybe bows on the hobgob cutthroats? Maybe a sorceror instead of a castellan?


This will also be a good working discussion.
I have also committed to a 500 point mini Campaign in June.
My opponents will field Lizardmen, Skaven, tricksy High Elves, and night goblins.
I’m leaning toward a mostly CD force with great weapons and blunderbuss.
We will see how it goes.

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Sounds like fun!

That’s a nice range of opponents.


BNB Welcome… you will have great fun.
Parise Hashut

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With those enemies, I’d be wary first and foremost of night goblin fanatics as well as (you said it, tricksy) ethereal high elf warriors. Bull renders - and our characters - with ensorcelled hand/darkforged weapons might just do a number on the high elves, and there is afaik no known counter to fanatics except luck, vortexes, and terrain


Vacationist, As always you have correctly noted my focus of attention. I really want to play you in a game some how?
Achaias, This is a really good starter list. I might pump up the Hero a bit. And, switch fire glaives with Blunderbuss just cause I’m Blunder heavy. BUT I really like this as a starter list, Well done.