[TOW] Chorfs and orcs

So i want to bring this army to a tournament, wanted to bring two iron daemons but only have one . Suggestions?

Chaos Dwarfs - Po - [2000pts]

Main Force [2000pts]

Characters [931pts]

Black Orc Warboss [307pts]: Full Plate Armour, Hand Weapon, Shield, Wyvern, Heavy Armour, Venomous Tail, Wicked claws, Armour of Silvered Steel
Infernal Seneschal [204pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Battle Standard Bearer, The Lammasu’s Beard, Great Weapon, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Mantle of Stone
Sorcerer-Prophet [420pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, General, Wizard Level 4, Dark Magic, Lore Familiar, Mantle of Stone, Talisman Of Protection, Lammasu, Hand Weapon, Mace Tail

Core [504pts]

Black Orc Mobs [215pts]:
• 12x Black Orc [156pts]: Full Plate Armour, Hand Weapon, Shield
• 1x Boss [19pts]: Full Plate Armour, Hand Weapon, Shield
• 1x Musician [20pts]: Full Plate Armour, Hand Weapon, Great Weapon
• 1x Standard Bearer [20pts]: Full Plate Armour, Hand Weapon, Great Weapon
Infernal Guard [289pts]: Shield, Drilled
• 20x Infernal Guard [11pts]: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour
• 1x Deathmask [17pts]: Naptha Bombs, Potion of Foolhardiness
• 1x Standard Bearer [6pts]
• 1x Musician [6pts]

Special [565pts]

Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher [120pts]: Demolition Rockets
• 1x Chaos Dwarf Crew: Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour, Infernal Incendiaries
Iron Daemon [310pts]: Hellbound, Steam Cannonade, 3x Chaos Dwarf Crew, Hand Weapon
Magma Cannon [135pts]: Steam Carriage
• 1x Chaos Dwarf Crew: Fire Thrower, Hand Weapon, Heavy Armour


Cheers mate, well met!

So, I mean it’s a straightforward army. You have your Black Orc Warboss beatstick who needs to do some serious damage and your secondary monster mobile caster. Those two alone are 1/3 of your army, which can be both a pro as well as a con.

You only have two units, though, and I’m not quite sure what the plan is there. You have a big anvil unit in the Infernal Guard with Shields, I mean they can seriously hold a charge and take some punches, no question. The Black Orcs are mid-sized and are also equipped more as an anvil unit with their shields. The Iron Daemon surely can make use of anvil units, but I fear those two units with no ranged capacity and “only” S4 (never mind the two Great Weapons in the Black Orcs) both fulfill the same role with little units taking advantage of them.

With the war machines it’s hit or miss (pun intended). Generally they both got nerfed pretty badly, but at least that Deathshrieker has the potential to dish out Multiple Wounds D6.

Overall I’m a bit concerned about the lack of any chaff, redirecters and screening units. You can barely afford to lose any models and you’d need to use one of your expensive and powerful flying monsters if you want to influence enemy movement in any meaningful way. Toe to toe your models can deal with most of what can be thrown at them, but someone with a mobile army and good strategy can probably outwit them.


Hey hey and welcome!

Try to find space for 2*10 basic hobo archers, if you have the models, they are wonderful chaff units. Remember you can put them in a wide unit, do a “turn” maneuver into marching column, move 3", and then march 12" the following turn. That way, if you use them to bait out your opponent’s units during deployment, you can get them where they need to be (in the way) quite fast after the fact.

Maybe slim down your infernal guard unit in favor of more black orcs. I’ve had success with having them with 50/50 add. hand weapons and great weapons. I know your boss is on a wyvern, and that’s probably baller, but having a single big boss in a good sized unit of blorcs, crying “Waaagh!” and charging in (and ideally overrunning into a new enemy) is just devastating. Re-roll 1’s to hit and wound, +1ap, +1a, +1 combat res, in both combats! Hurts.

The shield on your wyvern boss is redundant due to the silvered steel armor. His ap1 on the charge won’t go far, so probably stick him with a great weapon or a magic weapon. Remember our orcs now have to take magic items from the common or orc & goblin lists of magic items.


The armour is actually trollhide :slight_smile:

I was thinking about making the black min sized and keep them as a tax . Then buying some of the Hobbos with bows in small units. The chorfs was also thinking of giving them gws .

Ah I get it. Cause Old World Builder hasn’t updated to adhere to the FAQ yet.

The thing is, though, that blorcs with great weapons are pretty much better than or equal to IG with the same in all aspects. Especially the full plate makes a difference. In order for IG to be survivable (and make use of their sick shieldwall ability) they kind of need to be with axe and board.

I’m starting to consider just having the IG tax as a detachment to a group of ironsworn, who can really bring the pain (and hold the line to no end). The detachment would then have blunderbusses and shield, so as to pop off some shots and still be fairly survivable. Only like 8 of them or smth.

I think you may be right. I did some testing and the hobbos worked wonders in the list i will post and updated one soon

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Why dors the borc warboss have that magic armour as he already has same save from his mundane armour and shield? Rather give him Porko’s Pigsticka…

Ah just noticed the comment of it geing Trolllhide Trousers…

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