[TOW] Let's get competitive

Ironsworn can only be a Regimental Unit, not a Detachment.


I must say the list works best when played according to itā€™s fluff.
Best core is built around a big cutthroat block and black orcs. Sometimes some 10-16 fireflaves/blunderbussiers.

Then Iron daemon, wolves.

A mage or two on a beast or on foot, wyvern and khans. At least 1. One on a wolf and one on foot to support cuuthroats.

War machinesā€¦ Wellā€¦ Those are expensive, does little damage and the only one I really like are bolt throwers.

Kā€™daii, bull centaurs, Ironsword - did we even seen them in a competitive list?


People are indeed swearing by the 40 hobo archer block these days. Since the FAQ straightening out the question of whether they can all shoot at large targets, for sure. Iā€™ll probably try it.

Bull centaurs have indeed not performed for me yet, but Iā€™m bringing them to see if that wonā€™t change. My next tournament is sort of small beans compared to whatā€™s coming up later in the year, so I feel like I can experiment a bit. Iā€™m tentatively aiming for the middle boards, but letā€™s see how it goes :grimacing:


Problem is in the scoring system. History proved that Kill points based systems are exploitable.

I like huge blocks of hobgoblins (30-40) because you will not even try killing it (monster + MSU meta I have). Enemy units are to small or your monster is to scared to engage and eat 80 shots before that happensā€¦ And when You do kill it you get 180 points.

The while goal os to Kill morę than you opponent and CD do not have a lot of hammers. Denying points is your way of playing.

ID is hard to Kill, 40 hobgoblins are hard to Kill and really not worth killing.


Great ideas, battle plans.
Please explain, 80 shots from 40 hoboā€™s. With bows? Or throwing weapons?
I missed the rule on large targets, but it does seem to suggest you could shoot all bows at it.


The rule for large targets has been cleared up, so every model in a unit, regardless of ranks, can draw line of sight over each other and shoot a large target. They kinda shoot over each otherā€™s heads. Makes a lot of sense, tbh.

So a unit of 40 hobo bowmen will launch 40 shots at a time, provided they are within range etc. statistically dangerous. The large target can be shot normally once, with some maneuvering, and then again on the stand and shoot (potentially more, but this amount, 80, is fairly achievable). The Archer unit is also outfitted with a Khan, that way itā€™s less likely to run cause of terror.

I think that about sums it up :thinking:


Yes. All models shoot. Also Volley Fire allows 50% of second+ ranks too shoot so in case of a unit formed in 8x5ā€¦ 7+16 a turn. Nice.

Big block will also keep its LD of 10 for a long time.


Wow, this is really good for us.
I can see this making a dent, in the opponents game plan.
They do not even have to draw bows, just the fear of them.
Iā€™ve got 30 some Hobo,s done maybe I need 10 more?
Come on Lord on dragon.


I already ordered 10 more. Hobgoblins are solid.

I still try to find a descent core choice to support hobgoblins.

Also I have problems with mages. Those on Lammasu or Tauruses are very expensive and I feel they are not adding that much to the gamę. And Cannons loves shooting them.

I Play for lore familiar, ward, 5+ armour. This makes a caster reliable but overcosted. And there is almost no way to use all 4 spells a turn.

Not to mention that a Black Orc on Wyvern is 340ishā€¦ Do way cheaper.

I feel like taking a caster on foot is just a better option in terms of cost efficiency.


Flying Carpet is always a solid choice for a caster on foot


I have some points left in my list and here od my dilema.

Ashen banner or Razie standardā€¦ On a 15-16 strong unit of blunderbussiers.


Whatā€™s your experience with Blunderbusses so far - do they die too easily to shooting or donā€™t they do enough damage?

Personally Iā€™d say they are tough enough with T4 and AS4+. But Razor Standard can really drive their otherwise mediocre damage output up. And, unlike Ashen Banner, it works in close combat too.

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I must say they do not die to fast. I played recently against elven sea guard block with 2 units of sisters supporting them and I just moved into range and did a lot of damage. I feel I need some more hobgoblins to force my opponents to move closer to me. Elves were backing up all the game to avoid them.

Sure they will not be that good vs T4 but I would say good enough especially with AP reduction. And with better threat range than black orcs (alternative Core choice).

Razor standard + plague of rust feels great vs dwarves or 2+ cav unitsā€¦

In general they require smart play. They are slow and short ranged but with right spells and skills (march with drilled and teleporting) they can get into range FAST.


Jep, seems reasonable. Go with Razor Standard then!

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I dont understand the math here. 40 hobos against a good large target (3 saves at least 4+ at least 5+ 5+ ) will do almost nothing.

Even if you hit 60 times with an insane amount of hobos

Anyway i have been using daemonology with 500 pts blob with gw drilled and bsb beard

Supported by sorcerer on bale taurus with all kinds of stuff.

Then two daemons
And a dreadquake
It works really well but it is a tournament list.

I am also experimenting with centaurs
They are very good as like a big heavy chariot


40 Hobbos with Bows alone against a Dragon will not kill it, thatā€™s right. But that would be too much to ask from a 120pts unit too, right? But they will chip away at the Dragon, steal a few wounds here and there. If, say, they take 2 wounds on a stand and shoot, that Dragon will lose the combat (as long as you issue a challenge with a champion and have a few ranks). Weaken the Dragon with Plague of Rust and suddenly weā€™re talking different numbers. And so on.


How do You guys build Your black orcs? 2HW+hand weapon/shield but is what propotions and who gets 2HW?


I havenā€™t used them yet but Iā€™m still favouring Additional Hand Weapon. For me itā€™s what really sets them apart from Infernal Guard. Putting two Great Weapons in the first rank on the flanks (where they probably only have one attack anyway) can help with some tough opponents.

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So either 2WH+HW/Shield of Great weapon + HW/shieldā€¦ the banner that gives orcs frenzy is also nice too if You want great weapons!

Also - Warboss - I was thinking a Wyvern BUT chariot has some crazy rules. D6+1 Impact Hits with S6ā€¦ etc. Wyvern has only 3 attacks so chariot is more offensive. Right?


Frenzy is too much of a liability imho. The additional attack is obviously great, but itā€™s too easy to redirect them out of the game.

The main attraction of the Wyvern is the +1T and +4W. And the ability to deliver your Warboss where you want to. Its own attacks are underwhelming (Bale Taurus is much better for example). So yeah, a Boar Chariot is a good alternative - even (or especially?) for a Bigboss imho! Itā€™s almost as powerful on the offensive but much cheaper so you can be more aggressive with it.

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