"Unique" Hobby Experiences

Wonderful story, dear @Reaver ! Nice hoard. A heartwarming tale, with a horror start. The best of combinations. :smiley:

Swine Weekend

Last week was devoted to the Great Swine and Seal of Legend. The early week was devoted to sculpting some quick paraphernalia pieces for the great pig and seal army of @Eisenhans , and the display board built and painted by construction engineer Dennis. Thursday and Friday were devoted to preparing the four tournament armies en masse. Friday evening saw all four of us meeting up at Flanders’ house, for delicious grilled meat and a furor of activity to finish everything before the tournament the next day. We finished one and a half hour after midnight, and not much sleep was had.

Here is the display board with all four of our armies standing atop it in all its pink horror - I mean glory:

Video snippet by @Eisenhans

Dennis brought the display board with him to the personnel parking lot at his work. Thus everyone who walked past his car had a chance to glimpse a big pig inside it.

Two anecdotes emerged from this tournament.

I was more tired than I had ever been on a tournament during the third and last battle on saturday. I really needed to go to sleep, but forced myself to play through the game. I informed my opponent Benny (one of Sweden’s best army painters, and least succesful players - he played a wonderful Halfling army as Orcs & Goblins), and he helped by checking on rules and stats whenever something was unclear.

I didn’t think much of it, and went to sleep on a sofa immediately after my game ended.

I learnt, however, of two things that were said afterwards:

First, Svarten (one of the tournament organizers), went to Eisenhans and said: “You must come see this! Matte plays against Benny, and Benny has to look up stuff. In between dice rolls, Matte falls asleep. When Benny tells him what to roll, dice falls out of Matte’s hands, and then Benny dies!”

Benny, after the game, likewise said to Eisenhans:

“How fun is it to play against an opponent, when you have to tell him what he shall roll, and when you look up he stands asleep. And when I tell him to roll the dice, then I die!”

Poor Benny’s army was massacred by a sleepwalker, and he came last in the tournament and won a consolation prize (15mm Tjubbutaurs from me, and a sculpted carnivore plant from Eisenhans).

The second thing was on sunday. Being a cheapskate, I always avoid dining out during tournaments, but brings food along. I did not have time to prepare food in advance of the weekend as I usually do, since I got to Calle already during Thursday to help prepare models and bases en masse.

On sunday morning, we all bought food at a store, and went to the tournament. During lunch, a couple of people sat in the same group of sofas as me. Then, Benny’s wife (another of Sweden’s best painters of armies), remarked: “Here I come with my feminine aura, and then you sit there and first you take a bite off the garlic bread, and then off the brie cheese, and then off the cognac-medwürst. And you don’t even put them on the bread!”

A Vampire Count player: “I don’t think many others have your food habits.”

Flanders: “You were solution-focused. The food should get into the stomach.”
