What to do with these guys? Any idea?

I bought this long time ago on Ebay, the model is quite completed (only crank cannon level are missing, the cannon comes but is unglued) aaand i’m thinking convert it into a chaos dwarfs steam tank or something else, any idea?


Do it! Most expensive fantasy model i know of. Change some crew, some chaos shield or even a sail in?
Some arrows snd hat icons on the exhaust too
Ive actually started to scratch build my own version of this

I was lucky enough to get one of these for just £100 a couple of years ago, absolute proudest moment of my ebay career. Seems genuine too.

Honestly if I were going to Chaos-Dwarfify I’d magnetise it. I’m already really considering magnetising mine (for my normal dwarfs army) just to make it flexible as either default/normal layout or empty top that can be used like a Dwarf von zeppel steam tank. Magnetising it would also be nice to be able to swap the cannon for a less lithe one.

But if preservation of the original loadout of the model is of no concern, I’d turn it into something like this watercannon ship at a swimming pool/water park. Another view. But swap the water cannons with Swivel Guns or Flamethrowers. The Dragon/gargoyle heads on the sides of the Juggernaut already give the impression of shooting out in all directions. It would also resemble the Dwarf Juggernought from Age of Wonders III.

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A fantastic model! Since I am already a little envious! Of course it must be converted for the chaos dwarfs, no question! :beer:

A conversion like this, only a little more chaotic, would be appropriate for the model! :hatoff: