[WHFB - 4th] Chaos Dwarf army list--new to herohammer!

Hello! I’m looking for some advice and tactics! I’m primarily a Mordheim and 6th edition player, but I’ve been tinkering with the WFB 4e WD presents list, with support from my O&G allies of course, and I’d like some feedback.

Tactics ideas:
Ghaz-Morran flies around raining terror from his Lammasu, using various saves and magic items to be a real bother.
Gorduz leads wolfriders as both skirmishing shooters and light cavalry suitable for smashing the flanks of things when they’re in ranked formation. His Shrieking blade I thought could be quite useful for causing fear. Originally I’d wanted to produce an effect where the entire unit caused fear, but I can’t figure out how to give the wolfriders a magic standard of any kind, despite seeing comments from folks mentioning just that.
Bull Centaurs act as heavy cavalry, also smashing things.
Aggust Mansmasha and the Black Orc contingent are the core of the infrantry, potentially acting as an anvil for a Bull Centaur hammer as well as being generally tough and nasty. I had considered a Dread Banner to make them cause fear, but decided that the extra armour save might help them survive a bit longer.
The blunderbusses – they’re just too cool! They could protect a flank of the orcs and advance in their own right, laying down 3 ranks of heavy fire and chewing through any mob in the way.
The CD warrior unit is just there to meet minimums.
Bolt Throwers and Earthshaker are there for supporting the infantry blocks!

Help me folks! Am I headed in the right direction?