[WHFB] Daemonsmith Art

Hi all,
This is my first post, I’ve been a fan of the Chaos Dwarfs since I first joined warhammer. I finally made a full rendered pic of a Dawi Zharr recently and I wanted to show it off to y’all.
Do you feel this is a valid depiction, why or why not?


Welcome aboard!

Oooh yes. A mighty fine design with lots of great details. Lovely weapons.

As to valid, the rule of thumb with Chaos Dwarfs is that they are weird and can basically look however the heck you like. Check out Chaos Dwarfs Through the Ages for their official renditions over the decades for sheer variety in action.

That aside, your depiction is most apt, and beautifully captures a blend of Chaos Dwarf styles running from the 90s big hats through the Legion of Azgorh range and Total Warhammer. With your own good twists to it, of course.

Love the multiple Babylonian god-horns on the hat!

I am personally a fan of short and very rotund body shapes for Dwarfs, but yours is not unreasonable at all, but a good depiction of Dwarf physiology closer to what is seen in the Lotr and Hobbit movies. Shorter than humans and still stocky.

So valid in every way possible, and more to the point, a very good artwork and design!

Also, please post your Daemonsmith joke picture here. :smiley:

(I’m Karak Norn Clansman elsewhere than CDO, by the way. Such as on Reddit. Admiral happened to be too generic a name to not be taken on other forums and lots of sites, so I had to come up with something more specific.)


he got him in the axe


Wow these are really cool!! Its got all the classic markers of a chaos dwarf, and lots of the nuanced things you dont see so much. I especially like the change in skintone in his forearms and hands

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Here’s some more Daemonsmith Art!!
No lore just making some terribly terrifying machines :smile: :tonguewink:




A backscratcher mayhaps?

Lovely work!