[WHFB] Waaagh! Rudnik - Night Goblin Auxiliaries [2023-10-22]

Painted my Waaaghboss. This is Avatars of War’s Skrigg Dwarfmocker and I really love this model. It’s funny, it’s quirky, very Goblin! Comes with an optional beer mug to really sell the “dwarfmocking”, but. I gave him a shield from the Stabbaz-kit, cause shields are awesome and a must-have for Goblin characters.

I also put some paint on the Gloomspite Loonboss. I mean finally a Goblin in truly heavy armour! The weapon’s great too. With all that armour and lack of black hood he really stands out, and I gotta say, I wish he had a hood under the armour, like that guy from Zarbag’s Gitz. Still, great model. Technically I’m happy with my paint job, but I may have made a composition error here. I painted boss and mushroom base separately, and I think it might have looked better if that large blue mushroom weren’t blue. Especially from the side the colours are not distributed among the model all too well. But it’s too late to do anything about it now. I might put another coat of coelia greenshade over the mushroom to darken it down a little, not sure though.

Anyway, two more bosses down.