Picking up where I left it at the old forum.
I started collecting Night Goblins in 5th edition with the release of the (then) new plastic models. I just couldn’t resist. Since then I’ve added new models to bring it to about 3000 points, and I keep it fluffy. I only use Night Goblins, Squigs, Snotlings (they are anywhere Greenskins are) and Trolls, but I use a forgeworld Squig Gobba as a Kamikaze Goblin (the stats work pretty good) and I may get one of those Troggoths and use it as a Giant.
My Night Goblins have the best chance of actually being a completely painted army, and with BATG 2022 this is definitely on the menu.
Phase I: Core troops are finished. We have a horde of 100 Night Goblin Stabbaz, cunningly arranged with an offset to appear a little more ramshackle, the multi-bases also makes taking away casualties a little easier and I only had to use 96 models, so I could assemble a second command unit if I want to field two smaller units. Then we have 2x20 Night Goblin Shootaz, these are the older 5th edition models. The three Shootaz from Zarbag’s Gitz are perfect to replace one command unit if I want to field one unit of 40 Shootaz. Then we have Fanatics, 3 older metal ones, 6 newer plastic ones and the one from Zarbag’s Gitz. The empty base with mushrooms is used when I want to put Skarsnik in the Stabbaz horde to fill up a gap from a multi-base.
All in all I am very pleased with these units. The horde looks amazing, I just might have to go over the bases in the end, they need more stuff on it
Phase II: Next up are the Squigs. Here we have 30 Squigs and 20 Squig Hoppers, an assortment of very old sculpts, newer ones and the current Gloomspite range. As you can see, the Night Goblin herders are already painted, they are also a mix of older and newer models. Squigs are already primed and ready to go, I want to do zenithal priming and glazing to paint them in the teal/turquoise scheme I also used as a highlight colour on the Night Goblins.
Phase III: Last we have the command cadre, namely Skarsnik and a bunch of Bosses and Shamans. Here we also have the big guys, two Mangler Squigs, a counts-as-kamikaze-Squig Gobba, six river trolls (being converted to fungus trolls) and six of the new stone trolls (OK, rockgut troggoths, amazing models!) and a Snotling Pump Wagon with two Snotling bases.
Game-wise the army is really fun to play. Lots of random movement and random attacks, but also lots of units carrying a surprising punch. I only have 2/3 “regular” Night Goblin units, so Animosity is not much of an issue. Psychology as a whole, actually, most of the units are immune to psychology, ironically making my Night Goblins more steadfast than my Elf and Dwarf armies.