[WHFB] Waaagh! Rudnik - Night Goblin Auxiliaries [2023-10-22]

Finally managed to wrestle down this beast of a model. The Fungoid Cave Shaman is crazily detailed, I could have used the whole rainbow of colours and still have duplicates, so many different areas on the model. Really challenged my limited palette approach.
I’m fairly happy with this one. The lantern thingy did not turn out like I wanted, but the rest is pretty good. Although I should have switched to my good brushes for the detail work, that was really a mistake on my part. I’ve become too set in my painting ways the last months, I need to keep this in mind when it comes to Skarsnik, I will not tolerate any sloppiness here!
Still, this is a fine model and I was equal parts scared and excited to paint it. Very happy I tackled it and overall proud of the result. He will be my new Great Shaman on the battlefield.