Word of Hashut - Issue #1

Click here to download The Word of Hashut No.1 as PDF!

Below you’ll find the start of what is hopefully CDO’s quarterly webzine that will be packed with great articles, great conversions, stories and the like. This is our first stab at this and we welcome any constructive criticism. Tell us how we can make it better for the community as a whole.

I would like to draw special attention to those that helped to made it happen: Abyss, Sojourn, Lord Archaon; Thommy H; Torn, Baggronor (awesome cover dude!), Xander, Cianty and the guys at Border Town Burning.

Be advised the file is nearly 12 MB, that is large for a PDF. We kept it at a high resolution so that if you wanted to print it out in full color it will look good for your printer.

Get inspired and take heed of my remarks in the editorial. Future issues are only going to be as good as the quality of the content, so make your submissions great ones. I’d love to have the problem of each issue worrying about what to put into because I have so many choices. So as of now we will start excepting articles for the next issue, send them to me and I’ll take it from there. But before that take a break, read this one and enjoy.

In closing enjoy it, if there are things you want to see for the next issue (slated for September) please send me a link. If there are any mistakes (we’re bound to have missed a few, let us know so we can update it).

For those with lower speed internet connections you can access a low res (its around 4.1 megs) version here (caution it will look terrible if you print it from this file)

Click here to download the Low Rez version of The Word of Hashut!
Let me know if there are any issue with downloading.