Hi! I am new to the hobby and love the LoA models. I will update this post as I obtain models. If it’s here, I am still looking. I am dwarf stubborn about building this.
I am seeking:
==========Forge World==========
Fireglaive x20
Drummer x6 (One per Guard unit? Unsure)
Skullcracker War Engine x1
==========Games Workshop======
K’Daai Destroyer proxy x1
Chaos Siege Gargant/Giant x1
I am California based. Thank you for your consideration! Praise Hashut
Good luck, mate. Be prepared to spend a hefty four figure number for the FW stuff alone. That Skullcracker alone will be almost impossible to come by without spending, well, maybe 500 bucks. IDK. It’s like a unicorn. That Chaos Siege Giant is just as rare.
The Destroyer proxy is easier in a way, since there never was an official model. Best go on etsy or something and buy a 3d print you like.
For the Hobgoblins you can go official GW if you like. Hobgrot Slittaz are a dime a dozen on eBay and they are pretty much Legion of Azgorh style Hobgoblins! For Wolf Riders you can have a look at the Gitmob Snarlfang Riders. Technically they are regular Goblins, but who’s gonna notice really?