Xander's Bull Centaur Render Conversions

I’ve been working on these conversions on and off for a few weeks, and I’m pretty happy with the results.

Ever since the release of the Ogroid Theridons, I’ve pondered how to best convert them into Bull Centaurs. The kit itself is really nice with lots of great weapon options and bits.

The key question was what to use for the bull body. I’ve seen some conversions with horse bodies, like a Chaos Steed, but I’ve never been much of a fan of them. Another option was to use the Ogroid legs in some way and maybe sculpt the remaining 2 bull legs and body, but that seemed like more trouble than it was worth.

The option I ended up going with was possible thanks to the fact that I have an unassembled and unpainted Great Taurus from the Big Hat era.

I used some Blue Stuff to make a mold of each side of the Taurus body and cast the pieces with a mix of Milliput and Apoxie Sculpt. Two part molds are tricky with blue stuff. Sometimes the casts are too thick or too thin, bit I managed to make them work.:ox:

Then it was a matter of bulking out the bull bodies and lining them up with the Ogroid torsos. I also trimmed down the Ogroid necks and hair a bit and added some curly beards. :man_beard:

So what do you think? A pretty big time sink, but also a cost savings. :ok_hand:


They’re crazy good. That torso is an absolutely perfect fit

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Thanks Jasko! I’m pretty pleased with how they turned out! :grin:

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There are fantastic and lots of room for further variants and modification - and as far as I’m concerned, the opportunity for subtly different models more than makes up for the time required!

How do these compare to our old BC and the significantly larger LoA ones? I’m guessing based on the relative size of the Taurus body we’re still somewhere in the middle, perhaps just a bit closer to the 4th ED BCs or maybe the current Blood Bowl ones?


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They look excellent, I considered using Ogroids myself but didn’t in the end. This is a great result.

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Thanks Nico!

I’m not exactly sure how they compare to the Forge World models. My guess is that they are smaller overall. The FW models certainly seem to have thicker limbs and a much bigger head. The proportions are very different to my conversions, but I think I kind of like the proportions I ended up with.

No idea how they compare to the Blood Bowl miniatures. The cost of both the FW and BB models was definitely a motivating factor for this conversion.

Thanks for the reply!

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Thanks! The Ogroids are really nice models. I think they’d make for great Chaos Dwarf Ogres or even unit fillers. A suitable paint scheme could also make them work as K’daai Fireborn also.


Cool, I was planning to use them as Blood Bowl Minotaurs as well. Kit looks great… :slight_smile:


Thanks! Yeah, they work great for so many things. I really like this kit. Very tempted to buy another.

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