2022 (FOMO šŸ˜‰) BATG thread

But seriously that looks awesome. The eye on the chestplate is chefā€™s kiss


Hello there,

Long time no speak.

Hope all has been well here with yourselves and loved ones.

Iā€™ve ran out of likes for the day, I shall have to catch up on other projects around the site when I can give the kudos that is deserved.

Hobby wise I am in pretty much the same place as months ago :smiley: personally itā€™s been a bit difficult, COVID playing itā€™s part among other things

Iā€™ve been really enjoying Heresy, my initial love for Sons of Horus (a scheme Iā€™ve been desperate to do for years and years, even trying it on Chaos Dwarfs and Warriors of Chaos just to get it out of my system) was a little dimmed by the wave of Sons of Horus armies out there. Amazing though they are.

So I branched off to try something different, Loyalist Death Guard, but it soon became apparent after getting into the first unit that they werenā€™t where my passion layed. So back to Sons of Horus it was

So Iā€™ve mainly been building an army over the last couples months based around Abaddon. If itā€™s ok with the @BATG_Warriors Iā€™ll update the end of this month with everything from the last couple of months. Only new additions being the few from the now cancelled Imperium Subscription.

Itā€™s nice to see the progress people have been making around here and some rather stunning entries to our competitions


Sure man, go for it. I have barely painted the last 3 months. Summer heat and vacations kind of killed my motivation.

It is slowly starting to recover and i suspect there will be a boost in the last 2 or 3 months from my.

Just record what you have done jn the last few months in youll be fine.

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Thank you dude, itā€™s been great spending so much time with kids over summer holidays, definitely a nice reason to have a break from painting.

I forgot to post the test mini I did do, my thoughts were theyā€™ve repainted their Dusk Raider scheme after the Betrayal of Mortarion. Maybe Iā€™ll do a kill team of them one day


That looks AMAZING!

If I hadnā€™t picked Sons of Horus I would definitely be painting Death Guard :smiley:


Thereā€™s nothing better than a strong concept


Mate your work on gritty and believable armour is unsurpassed- lovely work

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Cheers guys, very kind of you.

Now Iā€™m back onto the Sons and have a list and plan set out the en masses painting can start.

Hereā€™s how the finish test mini ended up, a little heavy on parts of the oil wash but other than that Iā€™m happy enough with it


As mentioned on the BATG main thread there are no massive updates on any painted models here but really great update on the amount bought in the last couple of months.

Itā€™s been said a couple of times already but the main goal here is to stop adding the the pile and Iā€™m pleased to report it is very much working.

Itā€™s been my birthday this month (October) so Iā€™ll have some bought minis by the end but pleased to report no further big buys from me

Last 3 months
:arrow_up: Additions: 0
:arrow_down: Painted: 2

:arrow_right: Net Score: -2

Overall 2022

:arrow_up: Additions: 69
:arrow_down: Painted: 33

:arrow_right: Net Score: +36

That being said, it would be nice to finish the year on a minus so I think thatā€™ll be relevant to work ongoing. Still going though and building/cleaning up the Sons of Horus as Iā€™m still planning on painting that as an army project (as in build everything base everything shade everything highlight everything etc etc) so that might take me into next year. Maybe some quick and easy painting while those are being built is in order :thinking:


BATG update

October being my birthday month I knew there would be some bought here, didnā€™t get any boxed sets thankfully but did get back into Middle Earth a little with a lovely Treebeard box

QuĆ© the classic ā€œit still only counts as one!ā€ lineā€¦

ā€¦maybe not :smiley:

I did also complete a Goblin Town test piece but all in all a very quite month. Which Iā€™m happy with

:arrow_up: Additions: 3
:arrow_down: Painted: 1

:arrow_right: Net Score: +2

Overall 2022

:arrow_up: Additions: 72
:arrow_down: Painted: 34

:arrow_right: Net Score: +38

With my HH all built ready for mass painting (but airbrush out of commission) and a whole host of other boxes with minis there is potential for an end of year push to get me into the -



Well well, November is done and Iā€™ve very happily bought a grand total of fā€™all :hatoff:

Iā€™m genuinely chuffed with that. Iā€™m chuffed with the whole year so far, my purchases have been very very curved and BATG has a large part in that, always considering now the worth before a purchase. It has been the HH boxed set adding 54 minis to the pile and the now cancelled Imperium Subscription thatā€™s added to the numbers.

:arrow_up: Additions: 0
:arrow_down: Painted: 2

:arrow_right: Net Score: -2

Overall 2022

:arrow_up: Additions: 72
:arrow_down: Painted: 36

:arrow_right: Net Score: +36

As I mentioned on the other thread this makes it very tempting to find a 40+ mini project to try and finish before new year and actually finish in the green


Was gifted the glorious Goff Rocker for Christmas :grin: also finished 2 separate Chaos Warriors test minis and a 40k Ork test mini too for 2023 projects

:arrow_up: Additions: 1
:arrow_down: Painted: 3

:arrow_right: Net Score: -2

Overall 2022

:arrow_up: Additions: 73
:arrow_down: Painted: 39

:arrow_right: Net Score: +34

Well there we have it, 2022 all done and results are in.

Itā€™s interesting looking back at the first post herr and how the rest of the year went.

Staring off with the positive Iā€™m really happy with how little has been added to the pile in comparison with the previous years, BATG really did come to mind when considering new minis to buy and how much I would then need to paint to counter the addition to the pile of grey.
That being said, though Iā€™m really happy with how much I didnā€™t buy and add on, a friend of mine was looking to play a game end of the year and I was disappointed with the amount of choice I had to play, it felt like with a year of buying so little I really felt I could have had more choice of finished painted projects to choose from.

So I didnā€™t quite get the balance right in 2022 for what I was wanting to do. Great control of additions to the pile though as ever wanted to do better with the painting. Sure I could have bust out Zombicide and painted 40+ zombies real quick before the year ended but that for me was not the point of this, it would be amazing to finish on negative numbers but it would not have felt like achieved what inset out to do either way.

So onto 2023 and Iā€™m bringing back the monthly goals, theyā€™ve really worked for me before and Iā€™ve spent December completing some test minis so I can dive right in.

Thanks to all fellow @BATG_Warriors for following this year and congrats to all that accomplished what they set out to do.

Hope you had a fantastic 2022 and go on to have an even better 2023