28mm Brazen Bastards, A Community Sculpting Initiative [Antenor Strikes Back: Nov 23 2023]

Praise the efforts of @MichaelX in subverting original scan plans and hacking his own path to high quality scanning. Hashut and Walhut bestow their blessing upon him for the good of all here at CDO.

In tandem, we are excited to announce the first Bastards themed contest. Let us gather and offer more wonderful concepts to the cause. This first contest is for non-miniature concept art. I look forward to seeing what new ideas come out of this contest. In my mind, one of the most precious (and unique) aspects of this forum is the collaboration of ideas and inspiration, one of the reasons my first sculpt was based on @Loidrial 's art.

Stay tuned for a follow-on contest to challenge the wealth of miniature sculptors on this forum.

For now: enjoy the first revealed renders of the current band of Bastards.
Karpok of the Blubberborne

Porco Dio

Oss Crook-Finger

Unzi Al-Ashrar

Zhiekward of Cath-Arin