28mm Brazen Bastards, A Community Sculpting Initiative [Reaver Loves Crafting: Dec 30 2024]

Painted Bastards have been spotted in the wilds of CDO. Crossposting here for future wayward souls who find their bastard souls adrift in this thread.

Check out the work of @anon65047651

And even a contest entry by redacted

Update now that voting has ended @Zanko


I just added @KhamdrimSkyMaster’s beautifyl samurai hobgoblins to the bastards index!


Congratulations khamdrim!


Love 'em! Beautiful work @KhamdrimSkyMaster , thanks for sharing them :hatoff:


I couldn’t NOT share them with the community that inspired me to sculpt them!


Hmm. Maybe the cult site’s wonky, but for some reason the 'brazen bastards" tag doesn’t seem to be working. I’ll click on one of the links above, and it’ll have the bb tag; but I click on the tag itself or search using that term, and only Oozhu shows up.

Theyre all hidden, maybe thsts why? No public tags.

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ah, that would do it. All the others have the “secret” tag

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Thanks to @MichaelX for scanning and uploading the nine female CD Harridans that I sculpted (from the free dollies, with some items made from rod and generic jewelry bits


They aren’t perfect, but I feel like there are a few fun elements in there. If someone wanted to use them for bits for their own BB project, I wouldn’t blame them!


What an original idea! They look great, well done


Thanks for sharing them! When I saw the scans they made me think of painting them like terracotta warriors


Ha. Imagine: weeb CD collecting giant terracotta statues of his dwarfen waifus.

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That’s the greek myth of Pygmalion and Galatea
A sculptor who fell in love with his own creations


Imagine that as a fable among the CD for the origin of the curse of stone.

A dwarf stone sculptor fell in love with his statue; alone in an empty hold, amidst the poisoned land and howling skies. He prays to Hashut, “I would have her be flesh as I am flesh. What must I do?”

Bring me gold, that she may have hair as fine as gold. And he does.

Bring me fire, that she may have fire in her eyes. And he does.

Bring me blood, that she may have blood in her veins. And does.

And Hashut filled him with the knowledge of dark runes, which he carved in her marble skin. And the power to fill them with changeable power. And thus was born the first Sorceror Prophet.

And with gold, and fire, and blood, she became flesh, not stone. And in her youth, she bore him many sons. But one day she spoke against him; and the carver, now filled with power and pride, had the runes struck from her body. And back to stone she returned.

But as her flesh cooled, the carver saw Hashut’s cruel trick: Before, when she was flesh, so was he flesh. Now, as she was stone, so too would HE be stone; slowly, inch by inch. Each day, he grew colder, filling not with regret, but bile and blame. And thus the first Sorceror Prophet succumbed to the Curse of Stone.


Prince Merowig the Rake - WIP


Prince Merowig the Rake

“Listen, Antenor. The Napoleonic stuff is all well and good, but it cannot capture the spirit of high fantasy. That era is too technically advanced, too far into the age of reason as to be neatly compatible with things like fireball-hurling wizards and magical beasts. Seek your inspiration further back in history - substantially further back, mind you. It doesn’t have to be all the way to antiquity, but only hopping back to the American Revolution is not going to do the trick. Try something in between, alright?” - “Very well. Early 1700s it is!”

This dwarf was heavily inspired by generals’ portraits of the early 18th century - hence also the baton with its aura of supreme military power and questionable usefulness in combat situations. (You might call it a waste of a hand. I call it style.)

As it happens, the same period also saw the golden age of piracy, so if you’re not into all that periwig-and-baton business, I imagine a bit of conversion might also turn this sculpt into a decent pirate captain! :smile:

I sculpted this one very quickly for my standards, in just a little less than two months, focusing less on sculpting as cleanly as possible or adding a lot of details, and more on how the miniature “feels” overall. It’s the kind of sculpting I discovered while dabbling a bit in 10mm, translated to 28mm with some accommodations. Overall, I am content with the result and will probably experiment some more with this style.

I am, as always, grateful for feedback and hope some of you will have fun with this little contribution!


Brilliant work again, just what the thread necromancer ordered! Looking forward to adding this guy to my collection! As is coming to be a holiday tradition there will be more bastardly good(evil)ness coming soon!

waves baton with calamitous intent


Thank you very much! He’ll be honoured to go reaving with the finest.

Looking forward to it a lot!

If time suffices, I’ll also endeavour to make the package a bit heavier before sending Merowig on his journey. I suppose he’ll need some underlings in order to properly be Prince of anything :smile:


Zheem Azanko
Augur of Hashulhu

"Sonorous chanting rides the whistling wind with unsettling dissonance, punctuated with guttural utterances that rattle in the skull. Clouds burgeon and roil with portentous volatility.

Perched high atop the mountains of madness, nestled amidst cyclopean masonry replete with indecipherable inscriptions, the cult of the great Hashulhu attempts an eldritch communion. As their channeling continues, one by one the cultists collapse onto the stone dais, bodies rendered into gelatinous sludge, until only one remains standing with arms outstretched, one to the left and the other above his head.

After remaining still for quite some time, with unnatural slowness, his arms move simultaneously, like the hands of a clock until they mirror their original station. His eyes open, truly open, for the first time to all manner of unknowable truths and insights beyond mortal comprehension."

Spoiled by @Zanko as so many on this forum have been in the past, I sat with his request for a banner bearer to exchange in the ad hoc Zhanta 2024. I admit, I had originally planned a quick and dirty conversion or sculpt to paint up as a unique piece. Grab a mini, sculpt some Reavery tentacles and presto pasta, a noodly emissary.

Fresh off a sorcerous podcast with @chitzkoi I was inspired by my Mom Minis Vizier and decided I’d take a whack at a dopey octopopey re-imagining. In the end it was good for me to sculpt from a physical reference, even though I went off script at the end. It was a bit painful to wait until the end to add the octoturbin since that was one of the founding ideas for the concept. As a post-justification of my actions, I figure it is only fitting that a gift for Zanko benefits the whole forum. Sorry you’ll have to wait a bit longer to get a copy!

Apologies for the lack of WIP and modularity. I really wasn’t sure he’d go up here on the bastards until it was too late. I’d love to see folks sculpt alternate hands for him or find other suitable hands among the bastard files.


I love the winding staff, it’s a great effect! Also props for the lore accurate head