A somewhat long preamble on how I stumbled into chaos dwarfs

Uhm, hello! I’m a bit shy, so I’ll just jump straight into my story.

I’ve always wanted to play warhammer, but as a kid in a 3rd world country, the financials always seemed juuust out of reach and I never really had the opportunity. But, time happened, and eventually I became an adult, went through a series of jobs, dropped my first mortgage payment, and eventually I realized, “huh, I can afford Warhammer, now.”

So long story short, I got into the hobby through Age of Sigmar. Locally I soon became “the Death guy,” because I seemed to gain a habit of collecting death factions. I’d say I’m decent at circle bases. And I should say, neither sky dwarves nor city dwarves really piqued my interest.

Deep down inside, however, I knew that AoS was not the warhammer I saw as a child. And so when Old World came out and starters poured in I took a dive. In my head I justified it as “I need all death armies, and Tomb Kings is a death army!” I didn’t care if the modern hobbyists sneered at the derpy looking skeletons, I wanted them.

Now, I have a decently sized mortuary cult army, and about three friends who also played Old World. It’s not enough. I do still play AoS, but undeniably I have the square fever. It just scratches a different itch. It’s like reaching into the epidermis of time and stroking the chin of the child that wanted to play warhammer. But there needs to be more players, and it seems, in our corner of the world, the best way to do it is to evangelize the Old World to those who are interested but do not yet have their own army. And so I realized:

I needed a second army. An army to fight my mummies, one that actually teaches things like panic tests.

But, as it happens, I may have disposable income, but I am still a third worlder. No way in heck can I afford a second Old World army all while I’m building undead in two different games. And so I decided, I should just 3d print my second TOW army. And if I will print an entire army, I should get the faction that’s hardest to get otherwise. I looked at the chaos dwarf pdf

AND ALL THAT WENT OUT THE WINDOW because I wanted them bad. Sky dwarves? Lame. Cities of Sigmar? They’re just… there. From where I’m from, nuno dwarves are sinister, vengeful, and they actually cast magic. Chaos dwarfs… They’re my kind of dwarf. I actually want the OG models. (But it’s practically impossible to get so I got some lovely Lost Kingdom STLs insetad.)

So yes, I think I am a chaos dwarf main, now. Hello! I think the lists I have in my head right now are still jank, but I’m slowly learning. And joining here seems like a good way to go in that direction. :3

PS. For now I’m working on a sorcerer-prophet, an infernal seneschal BSB, 10 fireglaive wielding infernal guard, and a rocket launcher. I got some black orcs and hobgrots from the secondary market to round out my core. I think I need to find a demon train STL at some point. And a lamassu. I think the Taurus is the preferred mount but the entire concept of a lamassu is just chef’s kiss


Welcome! There are plenty of cheap or freely available files for many of the things you are looking for. Plus, lots of people like Fabelzel or Brawniac have made incredible models that are easy enough (or cheap enough) to get the files for. Good luck in your hunting/painting!!


So where in the world are you at the moment anyway?? This is just idle curiosity and fascination as I find it interesting how far and wide the fantasy war gaming spreads. My curiosity is in no way based on biased perceptions or anything like that. Just genuinely curious! No worries if you don’t feel like sharing, no judgement at all!! Just happy to have you in the community!



Hello! I reside in the Philippines. :slight_smile: Warhammer in general is growing here, but I don’t think too many chaos dwarfs made it to our shores. And what little is showing up in the aftermarket I think I will get them over the next few years.

In the meantime I think the 3d prints will tide me over! They have awesome sculpts but there’s just something about the 90s ones that really speak to me.


Wonderful backstory!


OMG I just found the Fabelzel scults and they pluck at the hearstrings of my childhood. I’m also a bit sad though because I already started with Lost Kingdom fireglaives and rocket launchers - I dunno if big hats will work well with LK in the same army. :thinking:


IMHO the Chaos Dwarf DLC for Total War III demonstrates pretty nicely, that big hat and LoA aesthetic can work well together. So much is down to a unified painting style anyways! Pictures of GW 90s Big Hats are very very different from how people are painting these days. If you stroll through this forum you will see all kinds of models painted in various styles, it def can be made to fit together.


I think you can combine the two lines very well, may I refer to my MInis or my thread here?

I now use many of the GW 4th edition models but also some from LKM


Thanks for the inspiration! Your models are awesome. :o

I’m slowly gravitating towards:

  • IG with fireglaives - LK
  • IG with blunderbuss - big hats with guns
  • IG with shields - big hats
  • Characters - whichever version I find, Characters can have diverse… chaacter
  • bull centaurs - LK
  • War machines - LK