I ended up here because of an invitation and I gladly accepted it.
I have to admit that English is neither my mother tongue nor that I speak or write it particularly well. So please feel free to improve me, I would like to learn it on the side.
I love the old Warhammer Fantasy and at some point I got it into my head to build an army that not everywhere can be found.
Furthermore, I have to admit that the good old Chaos dwarfs from GW have a certain charm, but are not exactly what I imagined. And yes, the daughter of the top dog is a bit … expensive.
When Lost Kingdom Miniatures started an Indigogo campaign a few years ago with their version of Chaos Dwarfs they exactly met my taste. I participated with a rather big pledge. The campaign went well, the miniatures arrived promptly and then I put them storage…
I think it took me almost four years to remove the dust and slowly start to paint the poor guys. By sharing my progress in painting I hope to keep my motivation up to finish the army. It is not about the perfect and tournament-optimized army, but a nice themed army with as many selections of Chaos dwarves as available.
Please send me your thoughts, suggestions and constructive criticism. So here are my first painted of these dwarfs.
Welcome aboard!
What a cool scheme for these guys, straight away makes me think Sons of Horus which is my fav chapter scheme and I’m always looking for a way to get it on things. It suits the Lost Kingdom lads perfectly
Welcome! You’ll find many LK miniature fans here as well as lovers of the old big hat range. Truly outstanding work! Such a striking colour scheme. The details too! Look at their eyes! Amazing - well done
The color scheme is quite easy to do, I paint on the black primer Turquoise (Vallejo), I then lighten it with Elemental Bolt (ArmyPainter) and then paint the second layer.
a layer of pure Elemental Bolt, then I lighten it with an off-white and just dab the well-thinned on, or use it to make the few edge accents.
I always work according to what I think and less according to fixed rules, I also measure a little more Turkies from time to time or know something about it
I like your unique colour scheme, it’s great both in concept and execution. The Earthshaker is my favourite so far, especially the freehand work on the banner!
Hello Alexander!
It’s nice that you’ve left TTW and come here to what I think is the best forum in the world. It is always a feast for the eyes to see your models. I am looking forward to many more great painted miniatures, especially the models of Lost Kingdom Miniatures, which are clearly underrepresented here!
Unfortunately none! But I don’t want to complain, because I have a solid role-playing group again (even if Corona has slowed us down a bit) and together we always play really cool board games. Only as far as TT and the miniatures are concerned, I’m on my own. However, I have already played SAGA-Age of Magic several times with the young Padavan (my son), so hopefully I can motivate him to play again during my upcoming vacation!