[Archive] [01-03-2010] -m3lvins CHAOS DWARFS (pic heavy)


Welcome to my little progress thread!

This is where I’ll post pictures and info on my army development.

I’ve been wanting to collect chaos dwarfs for about 2 years now, but been to busy with other warhammer projects.

Finally, about a month ago in the start of summer holiday, I took the opportunity and bought 2 BFSP boxes together with a friend who got the urge for some gobbos.

I gonna build my army after the Ravening Hordes army list, and maybe create own rules for special characters/warmachines.

One warmachine I already written rules for Is the “skulltank”, and I will later post my rules in the “rules development” section.

This army will be a “helms/masks” army. (curse or cheer all you want :D) but maybe I’ll put some sort of hats on the thoughest ones, those who are worthy a flying mount.

First off I’ll start by showing some of my sketches.

I’ll probably post them in the art or sketch thread later, but I post them here aswell, because this was how the ideas to my army started in the first place, the sketches are 1-2 years old, and much inspiration has come from this forum :hat off ;


Enough of sketches :smiley:

As mentioned earlier, I (like maaany others before me) based my CD army on the BFSP dwarfs.

I bought 2 boxes, and this was what I got:

Soon to bee:

20 CD warriors with shields

15 CD warriors with great weapons

17 CD blunderbusses

2 death rockets

1 hero

3 sorcerers

I also got these models left over, great for conversions!

(except the one on the far left, he’s a test model. I got him in a white dwarf issue.)


W.I.P on my bull centars

bull centaur champion. I had thoughts of entering this in the GH competition, but I started far too late to get it done in time.


beginning of CD with great weapons

death rocket crew


well, thats all for now, I’ll post more soon! :cheers



I have to say I really like your sketches ! I really like them, and if I listened myself I would even ask you permission to use one as an avatar …

I like the beginning of your army ; isn’t the bullcentaur head a bit too big for the body ? I see the idea but it doesn’t seem to match so well. But that’s only my opinion !

And I really like the beginning of the great weapon chaos dwarf, they have looking quite well. I like their masks, they are unique, and they look very good - it will be even better painted ! Can’t wait :hat off

[align=center]2017 Image Salvage


Border Reiver:

Excellent sketches. The troops seem to be coming on The BC conversions are unique - you are the only one I’ve seen using the King’s Wall posts to make BC bodies.


thanks for the feedback! :cheers

As you can see in the early sketches, my first intention was to use warriors of chaos helmets or sculpt them by myself, but when i got the idea with the kings wall i couldn’t resist :slight_smile:

As for the oversized head, I’m aware of it. The head will be more of a big mask than his actual face, the lips, teeth, beard will be metal.

I’m sure there’s a smaller head hiding inside of it :smiley:

I just love the mean and though apperence the head gives them, It just feels like a huge statue comes rampaging right at you :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll post more minis tomorrow.


First of all welcome to the site m3lvin good to have you with us :slight_smile: and what a great start to your army, I like the sketches they look great , also awesome work on the gs masks they are looking very cool, and its good to see that your having a death rocket in the army :slight_smile: what else are you looking at including ?


ooooh, doodles, and very, very good ones too. I like them.

the BC looks very good, I didn’t think you’d be able to do it with empire horses, but you sure proved me wrong there

very, very nice:cheers


Its interesting (a few others have tried it as well) but the scale is going to look strange.


I love the BC’s big mask, kinda zulu :wink:


As a Dark Ages Saxon/Viking fan, I love the spectacle style helms! I might even have to, er, borrow the idea, as I’ve recently started on building another unit of CD warriors myself.


GRNDL: Ofcourse its okay too borrow the idea, (Isn’t that what this whole site is about? :cheers)

Thanks for the nice comments on the sketches, I’ll post them in the sketch and art section later, where they belong.

And after I got so much nice feedback, I’ll even maybe draw some more :wink:

As I mentioned in the start of this thread, I’ve been working with this army for over a month now, so this pictures are pretty old.

But I still wanted to post the old pictures, so you all could see how the army has developed, from the beginning.

I still got many pictures to post before im “up to date”, so therefore I will post here very often the coming days.

Later when this thread caught up with my work I’m not gonna post as often, because then I don’t have already made material I just can throw at you, like I have now. :slight_smile:

Anyhow, let me show you some more pics:

This is the w.i.p champion and standard bearer for my great weapons unit.

I exchanged the lamp with a victims head, and a nice sized axe :smiley:

some w.i.p CDs from my other unit, with hand weapon and shields.

The dwarf to the left will be the champion for my hand w. and shield unit. The other one is the musician for my great weapon dwarves.

A fun to know is that both dwarfs were made from the same type of model; a BFSP dwarf champion, pictured below:

Ghrask Dragh:

Nice use of the Dwarf wall, those bull centaurs are looking really promising, I’m lovin the helms your putting on these guys too :hat off


Great masks you did for your CD Troopers! :hat off

I have my doubts concerning the BCs, but I’m very curious to see them finished! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

… and these sketches! Awesome! :cheers



posting pictures on the continuing process of the 15 chaos dwarfs with great weapons.

Now with a picture of everyone of them.

(The thought struck me that I haven’t taken a group picture of them yet :o) I’ll have to take one and post it later.

As you might have figured out, these dwarves will not have curly beards (scream all you want :D).

Instead, I’ll use what I’ve started to call beard-armour, giving a different approach to the Chaos Dwarfs.

Take a look below before judging me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

the command. (haven’t figured out a nice banner yet.)

I didn’t give the last two any beard armour.

1, because the one in the middle has a frikkin’ awesome moustache!

2, because the one on the right are bellowing in a very cool way.

These dwarfs are pretty much done, except shields on thier backs, and a cool standard top.

One problem left though is the basing.

I want some of them standing on large stones, but because I want to magnetize them (In a very Xander-ish way ;P), I have to keep the weight down. So real stones is not an option.

I tried with blue styrofoam, but the models doesn’t stay stuck, and are pretty fragile. I could try to pin them through the styrofoam to the base, but It feels pretty complicated.

I’ve seen some using “cork” but I have no experience of that.

Anyone used that? and know what glue to use?

anykind of help are appreciated! :hat off



I like your warriors, even without the hats and beards. :stuck_out_tongue: You got some great GS skills! But there is one thing about them that seems a bit strange to me, the “beard armour” shouldnt it be under the left arm instead of over? As it is now, it seems a bit hard to move around…

Hoppas du hängde med på vad jag menade… :stuck_out_tongue:


wow you have been busy :slight_smile: the beard armour is somthing very differnt and looks great, you have very impressive skills with green stuff, looking forward to seeing some painted


Wow, nice scketches and nice gs. Im not crazy for the beard armor, as Tjub said it looks a little weirdo with some poses…

I’m in love with the cyclop… he rocks!

Styrofoam is ok, I’ve many minis stuck on styrofoam without any problem. Even my golden Hat bull centaurs is stuck on styrofoam!

Just pin them and carefully glue the styrofoam to the base… I also prime the styrofoam with a mix of acrylic glue and primer… it works making it pretty stubborn.


tjub: oh shii… well, I havent actually thought of that until you mentioned it :slight_smile:

As for my excuse (trying to put som logic in my unlogic act :D),

I think of the beard armour as more of an thin, flexible, chain/platemail, that mostly fall under their arms when they start to swing the axe.

I put the armour over the arms on the models just for a decorative reason, but I agree with you, on some models it just look strange.

I put extra big/long armour on the great weapon dwarfs, because they would stand out more,

looking more crazy/berzerk (they have bare arms aswell :D)

(well, that is atleast enough “logic” to put my fail in denial, atleast for my own sake ;P)

Bassman: when you pin the models, do you only pin them down in the styrofoam, or all the way through the base?

And when you prime the the styrofoam, do you do that before you glue the model to it, or after?

and what glue are you using? pva?

will be posting some pics on my hero later this evening,

as for now I have to go on a glorious hunt for food!

(before the markets close, ahem,)



Too many Swedish hanging around lately :wink:

Well, my procedure is:

1) glue styrofoam to the base with Vinyl glue (not acrylic, sorry). The typical “white” glue that becomes traparent as long as it cures.

2) let it rest until glue is completely cured.

3) shape styrofoam as a rock.

4) add some small pieces of rock to look more natural (optional step).

5) stuck/pin the mini to the base. This does not means always pin the mini to the base, just insert pins into the styrofoam.

I found that styrofoam is pretty resilient and the mini, even if a metal one, has never had any problem.

6) once the glue is cured, mix black primer and vinyl glue and prime the base (not the mini, it would cover too many details).

7) let them rest…


Orcs, the third sorcerer (staff one) and bull centaur standard bearer in my army blog.



i love the text… it’s very telling of what’s on a person’s mind sometimes… lol


Bassman: Thanks for the nice tutorial :hat off

I’ve made a test model earlier today, just glueing the model with pva glue onto cork. The glue has dreid now, and and the whole thing is sturdy and seems durable. As long I dont use metal model im ok.

AND if I ever dropped the models in water, they’ll float! muahahaha! :stuck_out_tongue:

As I promised earlier, I’ll post some progress pictures of my hero.

You may have seen this model before, since a link to my youtube video was posted on the site.

Anyhow, here are the progress pics;

this is the sketch I made in the beginnig of the project, and was how I wanted the model to look like in the end.

started by giving a BFSP dwarf hero his deserved treatment :smiley:

started to roughly sketch the models pose with blu-tac.

I made new boots out of greenstuff, and placed him on a styrofoam rock. I had a hard time making him stick, so the boots got messed up, but I fixed it once the gs had harden.

started to work on details

size comparison

added beard armour.

added shoulderpads, and bannerpoles.

Once it was time to glue the shield, I felt bad having to hide 1/3 of all details with a huge shield. It was then I decided to make the arm removable, I then also made an extra arm, carrying an additional hand weapon.

model without left arm.

left arm equipment options: shield, and add. w.

with hand weapon and shield

with two hand weapons

more pics:

Before, and after.

Here is also the video mentioned earlier, You’ve probably seen most of the pics in the video by now, but it also contains a 360 view:

Chaos dwarf hero video

left to do before painting is basing + the banners.

hope you like it! :cheers
