[Archive] [04-14-2008] Chaos Dwarves from France

Thommy H:

Wow, that’s some really extreme highlighting, tirli_pinpon. I couldn’t tell from the group shots that it was such a basic technique - it looks great for massed units.

Kera foehunter:

i like your paint job on the hob gobos . can’t wait to see the taurus painted


they and the BTs are very Snotling inspired i guess
Yes, I told it, thanks to this forum I've founded a lot of good ideas, to do or not ;)
How you paint this skin and those beards? And also please tell me how you've panited this metal.
I wrote it on the first page, and there's a link for a step by step for the metalics ;)
Wow, that's some really extreme highlighting, tirli_pinpon
Yes, it's a little bit to close up for my minis! I try to paint very quicly, so it's basecoat + highlight 1 + highlight 2 and it's done. I just want to paint the best I can... as fast as I can ! ^_^
it looks great for massed units
Thanks, that's what I want first ;)
i like your paint job on the hob gobos . can't wait to see the taurus painted
Me too, but before there's some big black guys... ;)

Thank you for your encouragements Kera... and the others!

Have a nice night guys.


Hello !The sun is shine, shine, shine… and I’v just painted my stuckas!

Hope you’ll enjoy them.

I used gretchins for the servants, I tought they were in the spirit of the Chaos Dwarf.

Have a nice day guys !

Thommy H:

Rebel Grots! Good stuff - those are some of my favourite GW figures of all time.

Kera foehunter:

tirli What did you use to make the bolt thower? you did a great job on it!!


Hello guys!

More than two weeks and I didn’t post anything… what a shame…

This last weeks I didn’t paint as much as I should, but I’ve begun one of my favorite chaos dwarf unit, the Black Orcs!

For the moment I’ve just finished the standart and the champion, the standart is made with plasitcard warmed with a ligther.

For the “free hand”, I fisrt draw it on paper, colored it with Photoshop, and I tried to make it look the same without some details, there’s not so much space on a standart!

The test, with the warriors’ one:

Second thing, I want some big’uns in my army, but I don’t like the GW at all… In a perfect world, I would have buy some Old metal orcs, but they’re too expensive. I tried to make my “own” model of orc, and I’d like to know what you think about.

So the curent GW:

An old Heros Quest one :

And the mix of both :smiley: :

I love the idea of GRNDL to give false beard to the green skins, so I did it… how much slaves will it cost me? ^^

Rebel Grots! Good stuff - those are some of my favourite GW figures of all time.
Yes, and IMHO one of the funniest fluff and rules!
tirli What did you use to make the bolt thower? you did a great job on it!!
Thanks! ^

I used platicard 1 and 2 mm, electric cable (huge one for the red part on the Wip), miliput and some bitz from the 40K orks sprue, infortunatly I didn’t made a step by step of the modeling… sorry.

Comments and advices are very welcome!

Have a nice day guys :wink:


dude awesome paint scheme, i like original ideas


wow wow wow, now it is time for me, to give my comments to your project. short form: KEEP IT UP! :hat off

this will become a really cool army! your colour sheme is very cool, everything there, but especially the metal rocks. together with the skin it looks so harmonic. the bases are very nice, too. you show everyone, that there are really stylish alternatives to the ash-and-lava-base… the ash-and-oil-base :slight_smile:

your BTs are Hammer… Hammer of Hashut, mate ^^. this is the rusty-industrial-style i love and want to see everywhere! the only thing i have to complain about are the pistols. they look very selfmade, but IMHO to futuristic, especially the Meknums. nut yeah, the rebel grots kick asses! ^^ and i like the helmets of your hobbos… i wonder, why? :hat off

i have to notice, that you are a pretty good cartoon-painter, i love these banners, you have a really cool style… draw more CDs! ^^ can you make such kind of a drwaing inspired by my dwarfs, too? look nice ^^

well, keep it up and… ehm… bonjour! :hat off


This army is great! I would love to see some group shots of the painted army so far! :slight_smile:

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Oh boy this stuff is so cool. Very unique and wonderful colouration, great drawings, some serious art being shown here! My hat goes off… to never return!

Kera foehunter:

great job on the orcs. i like the color chart that shows how the figures are painted.


Ummm Dude… do you want a job helping out with illustrations on the CDo webzine project? we would love to have your stuff in teh fall issue! PM me if interested.


Wow Tirli. I know I PM’d you about it, but this army is incredible. I adore the colour scheme and the metals!

you’re very gifted artistically. the banner is very well done.

Great work. I wish my french was better, I’d say something encouraging that way. hehe (tres bon!)


Ummm Dude... do you want a job helping out with illustrations on the CDo webzine project? we would love to have your stuff in teh fall issue! PM me if interested.

slow down mates, i was first :hat off
but really, it would be cool if you can make some design-stuff for this page, a comic or something liek this. but it would take a lot of time and your army has priority... and the drawing for me... s'il vous plaît (hm... i forgot all my 7 years of school-frence when i was learning spanish :))


Hello guys first of all sorry, it’s been a long time since I came, but know I’m back for good!

So some news :

A sorceror to lead all those guys :

Some more gunners :

And one of the most famous Chaos Dwarf’s unit, the Black Orcs!

Sorry, but the weather didn’t give me a chance for the pictures :smiley:

They’re only 6 for the moment, they will be 12 more in a few days (weeks?).

And the most important, if you calculate well the first step of 1000 points is done! Yeepeeeee !!

So a “family” group shot for the occasion :

The same bigger–> clic here

Thank you so much for yours coms, encouragements (in english or french :wink: ) it’s very cool to be on this forum!

A bientôt chers amis :hat off


Man I love your original colour combinations/painting style, great stuff!


YESSSSSSSSSS they look great! I love the banners ,that was a sticking point for my minis but i think youve just solved the problem .

I had some rough sketches to go from but love your style:hat off


Excellent pics!  That has to be at least 1000 points right? =D

Ghrask Dragh:

Excellent work mate, welcome back!

The classic orcs look amazing with that very original colour scheme and the sorcerer and his banner again are really fantastic and original :cheers