[Archive] [05-21-2008] Xander's and Vexxus's Chaos Dwarf Army!


So, Mr. Xander, how are the painted ones doing? Vexxus, how be the unpainted ones coming along?

Hashut's Blessing
Things are slow, but the good kind of slow, where quality comes before quantity, haha.

The Fire Sorcerer for the Chaos Dwarf army (also mordheim sorcerer) is completed and photographed, and ready for Xander to take with him this weekend, to join his painted bretheren!

Currently I am painting a prototype blunderbusser that Xander converted long ago, and another master conversion of his... a bull centaur. Both are just in the base coat + metals stage, but I hope to have them completed by next tuesday (since I am away all weekend).

As always you can follow my snail-paced progress at the ever daunting Vexxus' Progress Report.