[Archive] 10,000 points of CD (warning: lots of photos)

Pyro Stick:

That giant is crazy. Is it a real model or a conversion?


Crazy giant love the swivel gun type towers very steampunk:hat


in the description it says it cost around $45 in the store so i guess he bought it and paid someone to paint it for him

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Great stuff! :hat I especially love the Darth'wi Zharr and certainly the guy in the golden turtoise armour. Squats in power armour, anyone? ^^


Great stuff! :hat I especially love the Darth'wi Zharr and certainly the guy in the golden turtoise armour. Squats in power armour, anyone? ^^

Ishkur Cinderhat
Thanks, Ishkur.��That guy guy is a converted Hell Cannon crewman (as you probably realise).��It was a surprisingly easy conversion.��Only took about a day to finish him.


I think Ishkur means the one next to him, both awesome work though

Pyro Stick:

Ishkur was talking about both of them. Where did you get the darth vader guy?

Kera foehunter:

Great army the bazooka kick butt and� thats a giant!!!


Ishkur was talking about both of them. Where did you get the darth vader guy?

Pyro Stick
Great army the bazooka kick butt and� thats a giant!!!

Kera foehunter
Never underestimate the value of a good protein-rich diet of mashed Goblins.


Is Darth the leader of your force? my Avatar demands it!


Is Darth the leader of your force? my Avatar demands it!

Look out!��He'll kill the younglings!......man, I betcha Chaos Dwarf childhood would be lame.

On topic:��I dunno about that giant.��It's a cool idea but poorly executed I think.��The giant that wallacer has already is perfectly satisfactory!

Pyro Stick:

I think i might just have to get a few of them darth vader models as a retinue for my sorceror/lord.


I think i might just have to get a few of them darth vader models as a retinue for my sorceror/lord.

Pyro Stick
Inconceivable! Unless of course your sorceror is the Emperor.

Pyro Stick:

I think its a cool idea. It would be an intimidating sight.

Pyro Stick:

You said that one of the warrior units are missing. Any chance of getting some pics of it now?


Is Darth the leader of your force? my Avatar demands it!

The leader of my force, he is. Strong with the ways of Hashut. Hashut, the path to the dark side is.


You said that one of the warrior units are missing. Any chance of getting some pics of it now?

Pyro Stick
err... it's not exactly "painted" as such.
Just sort of undercoated black...

*embarrassed silence*


err... it's not exactly "painted" as such.
Just sort of undercoated black...

*embarrassed silence*

Thats the colour scheme of half my army :D


so very nice

Kera foehunter:

great job on the gobos i like the diffrent colors