[Archive] 13-05-2010 My evil dwarven army blog. Final summary


And here are the rest of the blunderbussers. 18 by now. That is the point where I plan to stop painting them (though I’ve got some unpainted BBs yet) and concentrate on hw-shield, 2hw, artillery and black orcs.

The photos are really killing the colors. Next week I’ll try another (more complex) camera.


Man, those are pretty groovy. I like the variation of the hats: it is cohesive as a unit, but with individuality between each guy. Good job.


I love your dwarfs. I like their style. Overall I appreciate here some great blendings and shadings, really well painted. This is not easy to achieve in rank and file miniatures :hat off

I appreciate the beard color, reminds my Bluebeards’ clan! Blue beards rock :hat

Regards Bassman


Yes, when I first saw your bluebeards- I thought that my army idea might look like stolen a bit, though I think (and I tried it out long before I even thought about starting CD army) that blue represents black really well, even if it doesn’t sound logical =))) So I decided to go this way =))) Bluebeards truely rock!!!:cheers

Border Reiver:

Go bluebeards! I rather like your conversions of the BFSP Thunderers, and I can see a few ideas there that I need to “borrow” when I do my own.

Kera foehunter:

omg those are so cool love the paint job and your hero he kicks ass!!!


And here is my most ambitios and beloved project which is also another must have for each and every CD general. A bullcentaur.

This is a beginning of a first one. Now I’m working on another. There will be 2 types of front part (front legs+dwarf body), two types of hindlegs and 4-5 types of hands, both with great weapons and hand weapon\shield. As I’m cooperating with one small company that makes fantasy and historical miniatures, I’m planning to make a huge cavalry block or maybe two of those and maybe even get some spare copies :idea… But… That’s still a long way to go =))))


That is some pretty intricate work, sir! Great job! :smiley:

Kera foehunter:

love the cd !! i like his hat and nice ammor


IN early posts someone asked for a better CD hero pics and some asked for any WIP pics. Here are both. WIP hero :slight_smile:


A smaller artillery piece. A boltthrower. I had to make up an army for a local tournament. Painting was unnecessary (though unpainted units got penalties) and I had to get as much boltthrowers as possible, and as cheap as I can find. I had no time to convert own BT’s, like in rescent WoH, so I found Rackham’s ballistas for something like 20 dollars per 3, with plenty of crewmen and guardsmen (who are about to become slaves =) As Rackham machines look like a finely crafted devices, i decided to make them look “looted”. That’s why a glued a front shield on each, and gonna give them a specific paint job to make them look more battleworn. Gnoblars are representig hobbos. Yeh, they are small, but I made em in a rush, and still, they look mean enough. Also I guess that the artillery hobbos are weakest and smartest of their kind, so that is where the size doesn’t matter =)


Huah, thats a huge centaur! :slight_smile:

Your hero, is he a conversion or a Rackham model?


Your hero, is he a conversion or a Rackham model?

Yes, it's a Hirh-Karn the enraged from rackham range =))) There is lots of cheap old rackham models in local store, that affects all my armies a bit=))


I must thank you for making that earthshaker conversion. I had thought about using that maw as a cannon front, but ended up giving it to my friend to throw on the front of his looted wagon :stuck_out_tongue: (which looks sweet, btw). I never could come up with a good placement for it, but you sir have provided it.

I am quite jealous of your centaur as well.


That’s a really nice looking unit. The skin tone works well. The converting is great. Not a single thing to fault. :hat off


that is going to be one massive Bull Centaur, looking forward to the completed sculpt. The fire play with your sorceror was nice… it helped me with a few ideas for my own sorcerors.

keep the the Dawi Zharr marching forward t’will be a marvelous celebration.


Hand weapon\shield warriors. Not as well-dressed as blunderbussers or as flashy as great weapon warriors, still it appears to be the hardest unit


They are the hardest unit: recently during a game a guy watching the match called my warriors with shield “the immortals”. :hat off

Great job again. I appreciate your painting skills. Nice to see a dark tones scheme, I always appreciate dark color schemes…


Kera foehunter:

nice picture of your army so far!! i totally love the colors of you used so far


Looks great so far! :slight_smile: