[Archive] 1995 CD "Book" VS GW Auz CD "Rules"

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I have both now and I’m looking over the stats and point cost, spells and etc of the two.


For example, there are 1/2 points cost for the Hobgoblin units in the 1995 edition and full points cost in the AUZ Rules.

CD warriors were 14 P in 1995 and 9 P in Auz - to name a unit.

Equipment is different too - not entirely, but in most instances.

Also, 1995 had the CD’s with more Monsters than just the Lammasu and Great Taurus.

So what rule system is more accepted by Cd players? 1995 or Auz?

Should I just consider the 1995 Rules for their “fluff” elements and stick with the Auz stats?

Just curious!


So what rule system is more accepted by Cd players? 1995 or Auz?

Should I just consider the 1995 Rules for their "fluff" elements and stick with the Auz stats?

Tarrakk Blackhand
Yes. The book doesn't even have the core/special/rare system. The pdf on the Aus website replace the book rules.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Ok, so just use the book more as a guide for building mini’s, some background “Fluff” and as a unit description (Example - what is a Hobgoblin).


Ok, so just use the book more as a guide for building mini's, some background "Fluff" and as a unit description (Example - what is a Hobgoblin).

Tarrakk Blackhand
Yes. That's the only thing you *can* do with it since the rules it contains are 2 editions out of date.

Thommy H:

Yeah, the book from 1995 is [[White Dwarf presents: Chaos Dwarfs]] - this is the Chaos Dwarf equivalent of an army book from 4th Edition, which carried through into 5th Edition.

When Warhammer 6th Edition came out, all the army books were overhauled and replaced with a booklet called [[Ravening Hordes]]. This is where the army list currently used for Chaos Dwarfs comes from.

The old book is not compatible with current rules in any way shape or form.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Yeah, Ravening Hordes is what I’m reffering to when I say the Auz rules, as you can only get it on the Auzzie site. (that I know of).

So here’s what I’m thinking is “Still in Play” from the 1995 book. Please correct me if I’m wrong. - Rick Priestley’s Chaos Dwarf Fluff, (p4-8) Blunderbuss, Earth Shaker, Death Rocket and Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower rules (p9-14), The Battle of Anurell’s Tomb by Robin dews and Gary Morley (P.19-35), Chaos Dwarf Bestiary (P.47-51), Chaos Dwarf Army List (P.52-55), and the banners at the back of the book.

Chaos Dwarf Magic Cards are out, (P.15-18) the models themselves are OOP (P.36-46 and P.65-76).

As for “Changed” items, the characteristics of the models points costs have been changed from higher numbers and 1/2 numbers to whole numbers. (P.56-61) Also, the “monster types” on P. 62 have been reduced to the Lammasu and Great Taurus. And the special characters on P.63-64 are gone.

I’m wondering about the Blunderbuss crews. The 1995 rules say they can have a shield WITH the Blunderbusses and the Auz rules say they must replace the shield with the Blunderbuss. I know Good Dwarf Thunderers can have a shield. Do you think it matters about the BB crew?

Thommy H:

None of the rules in WD presents: CD are valid any more. End of story. You use the Ravening Hordes list for everything.

All the backstory is still valid, more or less, because it’s that fluff that the Ravening Hordes list was based on is from that book. But you don’t use any of the rules or points costs.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

So therefore, no shields allowed for the BB crew.

Thommy H:


This message was automatically appended because it was too short.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

that sucks because the Good Dwarfs can have shields on their Thunderers.

Thommy H:

They have a lot of things that Chaos Dwarfs don’t, and Chaos Dwarfs have a lot of things that Dwarfs don’t. They’re just different armies.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Fair enough.

I am a bit confused with how the RH rules work with the Lords.

It says "Equipment : Hand Weapon. A Sorcerer Lord may not have other equipment. May have an additional hand weapon or Great weapon. May have light Armour, heavy armour and/or a shield."

Just thw way it’s worded doesn’t make sense as to who they’re talking about.

Thommy H:

Lords can have any of those weapons or options except Sorcerer Lords who may not.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

So the Sorcerer Lords pretty much have to go into combat unarmed? Or just with 1 hand weapon?

Thommy H:

Why would a Sorcerer Lord go into combat? In Warhammer, wizards very rarely have the option to take more than a hand weapon. They’re not supposed to be used in a combat role.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Ok. I guess what I mean to ask is that from reading the description, the sorcerer’s weapon choice ends with 1 hand weapon while the lord continues with the shield,etc.

Thommy H:

Yes. That’s right. The Sorcerer has a hand weapon (like every model in the game) and cannot be given any other weapons and armour.

Tarrakk Blackhand:


The other thing I’m not 100% sure on is the 0-1 and 1-0. Is a unit with 0-1 meaning that you can have a minimum of 0 of this unit and a maximum of 1? The 1-0 means you have to have at least 1 of this unit, right?

Thommy H:

0-1 means you can have a maximum of one, yes. I’ve never seen a unit with “1-0”, because that doesn’t really make any sense. You might see “1+” in some books (like Bretonnians - Knights of the Realm are 1+ because you have to include at least one unit of them), but 1-0 is not something I’ve come across (and I can’t even begin to imagine what it could mean).

Seriously, most things are pretty self-explanatory.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I think I meant 1+…it’s late in the day! :smiley:

A max of 1 kinda sucks if you were going to do an all out 10 000 point game and could only have 1 of a certian unit, like Rangers.