[Archive] [8-16-2018] Willmark's Chaos Stunty Army Project-WARNING PIC HEAVY!


wonderful bull centaurs. Very well done. Both modelling both also paintwork.


AGPO its pretty minor, and you’re right its something in homage to Boar Centaurs. Hint its the lower half what do some of them have that the boar models lower halves have…?

Hashut’s Blessing:

Legs, hooves, tails and dwarf bodies on top? Am I right?


I hope your not getting too biological foror younger members Wilmark…


Real easy guys and quite a minor one… ready for it, notice the sheathed swords o some of them just like the boar centaurs? I was looking at them on the sprues and said hmmm just like boar centaurs…told ya it was minor!? And um fairly insignificant… :confused:

Edit: For those following the blog there will be a 1 week (less than that now) pause in the army blog. And here is the reason:



testing out the new camera, just came in the mail today! Kodak Z710, 7.1 MP 10x Schneider Zoom lense! Should be much better then that Old Olumpus 1.3 MP POS I was using!

Anyways just took some quick photos to test for upload purposes and I will be using jpegs from here on out. Still have to test but they look about 1000 times better the the previous set of photos.


The new camera works great. I think you might want to work on how bright you take them. Maybe make a light box.


Yep. These were just straight from the camera with no adjustments… testing 1,2,3 :wink:


nice bull centaurs you got there…


New camera is much better, really shows off your painting style well


nice models, the look realy awsome


Nice pics! :smiley:


Results are in for the poll. By a 2-1 (over the next closest choice) the Blundies win. A bit problematic as they are the unit I have worked on the least. However in between parts drying for my GHV entry I did work on them last night and here are some photos of their WIP state.

Also as noted in the poll there is strong interest in seeing the Death Rocket, Hobbo wolf riders as well ad CD warriors w/ great axes; filed away for future consideration…


they look pretty cool, the diffrent kind of armour paterns are a nice detail


Well sir, you have just solved my problem with what to do with the barrels of BFSP handguns! Huzzah!


why does everyone have to make me feel bad with there awesome dawi zharr

looking great man


Happy to help Khan but I can’t take credit for it. Wizzbang was the first (that I know of) to come up with this idea.

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Wow, those bull centaurs are impressive! :o I am quite fond of the armour colour - what is it? Looks like brass with a lot of washes or even some sort of NMM, but it’s kinda hard to judge in these pictures. Please enlighten me! ^^


Holy Crap, the master of painting and converting is asking me for “how did you do it?”…


Still working on Green stuffing my Blundies. They are now mostly done at this stage, lest anyone think I was slacking :wink: While waiting for parts to dry i have been also GS my 2nd chaos dwarf warrior unit, so they might be ready to paint not long after the Blundies.

Hobbo archer unit is ready to go too, but as promised in the poll, its Blundies first.

Hopefully I’ll have some pics of their WIP state up shortly.