[Archive] [8-16-2018] Willmark's Chaos Stunty Army Project-WARNING PIC HEAVY!

Knight Of Awsome:

wow, nice unit filler. Now you could give it special rules for fun!

Kera foehunter:

You nailed the perfict statue colors willmark great job


Love it. Great paintjob. How you have painted the stone man? Trybrushing Codex Grey -> Fortress Grey?
I also love the thorne-bearers.
Thank you for listing the whole part from idea, concept, and execution

I don't use GW paints but here goes: prime black, drybrush dark gray, drybrush light gray, drybrush slightly/lightly with white.


Nice work Mark, only thing I’d suggest is a bit more blending and maybe a wash on the cloaks. The paint job on the statue is superb


I don't use GW paints but here goes: prime black, drybrush dark gray, drybrush light gray, drybrush slightly/lightly with white.

Hmpf :( Hate it... All they guys where I was asking said that they don't use GW paints. Notwithstanding, thanks.


Very nice mate. As said already some washes and sharp highlights could improve it even further. All in all a very nice centerpiece for your army!


Wow Willmark! I really like that. Excellent job on the statue part too. The stone looks really freakin’ good!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Looking very good. PIP= paint in progress :smiley: I like the flames, I assumed they would be part of the statue. A little area effect lighting around them too, kudos.

Kera foehunter:

Willmark . do you have a deep dark man cave where you go to paint. You are shurly comming up with cool ideas and painting


Those wings look great on the Lamassu, might copy that one… :wink:


Willmark . do you have a deep dark man cave where you go to paint. You are shurly comming up with cool ideas and painting

Kera foehunter
It is indeed. Got an iTunes library loaded up on my Print server nearby, or grab the iPhone. Painting desk, etc... Just got to get a more comfortable chair to be honest. There is a dog bed near by for my dog to chew on bones too, that is when I'm not letting him out the door to the backyard 9 million times a night...



Can you please make an armyshot from your army? I am strung to breaking point how your whole army will look like.



Continuing on the theme of adding more Core to the Army here is the next unit that is complete: the first hobgoblin wolf rider unit (yes I did say first :wink:

Overall I’m fairly pleased with how they came out. It took a bit to do in terms of green stuff but a fun unit.

After these guys the next unit most likely to be completed will be the chaos dwarf warriors with axes. Makes sense they will be accompanying the count as army standard. They are nearly complete as of now, with bases to finish and the leader, standard bearer and musician to complete as well.

Up next will most likely be the 9 orcs that I’m adding to my Big Uns unit as tehy should be easy to turn them out quickly.

Finally with all this I am still attempting to cast some parts for some other units (mainly the hobbos).

Plus I should finally be able to start on my GHVI entry.



They look really nice. I’ll definetly have to get some of my own eventually. And when the gw chaos dwarfs are finished could we get an army shot?


Look great so far! I like the SB very much.

Thane Godri GoblinSlayer:

Yeah, awesome stuff. Love the wolf riders.


Army stands @ 2,507 painted as of right now. With the addition of the the 2nd CD warrior unit the count will be just a shade under 3,000. Looking ahead I still have the following to add:

14 Orc Arrer Boyz

9 more Orcs (I need a tenth if anyone has an extra one!)

Death Rocket

2nd Wolf Rider Unit (10- need the left half of a wolf thou…)

20 Black Orcs

1 reconverted CD sorcerer (might need to reposition his axe)

1 metal sorcerer to convert (the old runesmith from the 4th edition Anvil of Doom)

40 hob go infantry unit

2 10 hob gob infantry units (the speed bumps)

A unit of 15 chaos dwarf blundies

10 hobbo archers

Taurus and CD Lord Rider

So still plenty of life left on this blog! Plus I can shoot for giving Wallacer some company in the Gold Army Medal department. :slight_smile:


Awesome work, man! Some group shots of the army are in order! :slight_smile:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Looking damned fine :smiley: Need some core units that count towards the minimum now, methinks :wink: Keep churning them out like a dairy farmer churns butter! We need our margerine high :smiley: (Note to self: Never use that metaphor again…)


Looking damned fine :D Need some core units that count towards the minimum now, methinks ;) Keep churning them out like a dairy farmer churns butter! We need our margerine high :D (Note to self: Never use that metaphor again...)

Hashut's Blessing
Stop buttering him up :mad damn now look what you made me say!