[Archive] [8-16-2018] Willmark's Chaos Stunty Army Project-WARNING PIC HEAVY!


The reds?

I don’t use GW paints, they are reaper paints and the color is dragon red.


FINALLY… 4,000 Points!

Well… it took far longer then I envisioned but I finally reached 4,000 points with the addition of Astragoth! So roll on gold medal!

After this is the Taurus and then into a boat load of hobgoblins, I also have another unit of blunderbusses under construction as well. There is still a bunch of other stuff to do as well like my jugger.

Kinda happy as this is one of my major goals, another is to have at least 1 of every troop type in the list, and I’m getting close now.

After looking at the photos I noticed a few odds and ends to “tighten up” on the banners which are now done).


Conrats. I barely have 2000 points of warhammer army and certanly not Chaos dwarfs.

I also know the fealing of after taking pictures of finished miniatures and noticing things that need to be “tighten up”. It’s a pain in the rear aint it?


Hurrah, and well done! :slight_smile:


Congrats on the 4000 p.!

Is there a possibility of seeing your whole inmensely army on one single picture? That would be really awesome.


Well done, Willmark. 4,000 points of painted CD is a fairly daunting undertaking.


Forgot to say I was looking through this the other day, I got through about 17 pages. :wink:

Very inspirational stuff, it makes me realise that if I really focus one day I might have a large army as well.

Kera foehunter:

great job on your 4000 pt army will mark

i love the banner on astragoth


Thanks guys!

The cool thing is I still have a lot planned it will just be a case of trying to find time for all of it.


Once the jugger is done I’m hoping to get back to more work on Core.

barring that there is my Kollossus an Taurus.



Its a good thing WoH #6 is in the plannings stages. Why? Because that means I can work on my army. Finally getting to the models that drew me to the army back in the 90’s: hobgoblins! I don’t know why but I have always liked them. I got a greta deal on the minis (to separate purchases actually) and now I have the following up for painting:

20 hobgob warriors full command

20 hobgob warriors full command

10 hobgoblins hand weapons only

10 hobgoblins hand weapons only

25 Sneaky Gits!

Here are the warriors, the first unit as yet unnamed, They are mostly done with the bases, shields and banner to go. I envision my Chaos Dwarfs as wasting nothing so what to do with shoddy human weapons after a battle? Give them to your slaves! So you will see a number of different shields in the unit.

Next unit that I will be working on while shield, bases etc dry on the first warrior unit is the sneaky gits. They will be painted with black clothing just like the warrior unit. I like this as it makes almost all of my hobgoblins attired in black in the army.

Next is some group shots of the as yet un-primed other hobgoblin units that are upcoming.


The second of my 10 hobgoblin “speed bump” unit is comprised of models that were painted by their previous owner, I will be either painting over the current colors or stripping them to their base metal.

Lastly I have started assembling a unit of 20 goblin archers to go along with my 40 goblin unit a few pages back, both are unlikely to ever see the light of day on the table top as they are for one of my goals: To have a painted unit for every unit type in the army.


finally reached 4,000 points with the addition of Astragoth! So roll on gold medal!

After this is the Taurus and then into a boat load of hobgoblins, I also have another unit of blunderbusses under construction as well. There is still a bunch of other stuff to do as well like my jugger.

Might be time to create a 5,000 point medal ;)


Give me a week and I’ll be joining that rank. Finally got mine out of the box and set up. Pictures turned out a bit crappy though. 4k of painted big hats and another 1k of painted conversions. It’s taken me too long, they’ve been mostly camera ready for a couple of years at least. Anyway, I’ll save the story for my own thread.


Saved my 900th post for you :wink:

Hobbytime - yeah! Glad to see you back - and also to hear that some of us gets some quality hobbytime.

The units looks great. Really like the dark colour’s, though you can’t quite see them. Is the clothes black, dark grey or dark blue - hard to tell really.

And if you want a piece of advise - strip those models, so you know the base is done proper.


Clam- Well then don’t I feel honored! :slight_smile: I am going to try to paint at least a couple times a week even when WoH picks back up. The clothes are black, I will have some better pics then the WIP ones when they are finished which should not be too long.

I’m leaning towards stripping them.

Cornixt you paint?! :wink:


Cornixt you paint?! ;)

It goes from the paint pot and onto the model, although not always where I want it. I was planning to take more better pictures, but that won't happen for a while.

Yours are looking good, very smooth looking drybrush work.

Kera foehunter:

that a ship load of Hobgoblins did you sell your soul for them again ??


Where do you people find the time? Almost 2 years later and I don’t even have a legal army!! PAH!! We need a medal for “no hoper” CD enthusiasts. Or “Honorary Army Owner” for people who have armies but they haven’t been assembled or painted yet.

Kera foehunter:

i have to agree with grndl


Its called perseverance… otherwise known as insanity. :slight_smile: