2 questions…
A. in the orcs & goblins army book, it says that goblin wolf riders lose their “fast cavalry” status if they take shields. Curiously though, this rule does not apply to Hobgoblin Wolfriders, according to our RH army list… Does this rule apply to hobbos too (possibly via wording in the rulebook?) or do hobbos really have an immunity to this for (broken) reasons unknown…?
B. i was really excited at the idea of one day using my Chaos Dwarf army in a US GT… now I find out that that is impossible. Besides the fact that they are directly excluding people who have bought hundreds of dollars worth of citadel miniatures to create their chaos dwarf army from dwarfs and greenskins… they are directly excluding an entire army that is still official as far as the rulebook is concerned. I think the whole excuse that our list is outdated has got to be the worst excuse of all, when we are going to be underpowered vs. army book armies, no matter what. So how in the world would it effect anything negatively to allow Chaos Dwarfs? It’s impossible to use something like 75% of our units as a counts-as Dwarfs list… not to mention the insulting of implication of the idea.
Am I preaching to the choir? Should I be complaing to GW about this instead of ranting on here?
Also, this whole concept of completely excluding an army because they haven’t updated the list (A 2-PAGE LIST!) in a while… Wouldn’t a reasonable person think that rather than excluding a percentage of their customer base (no matter how small), they should make a White Dwarf update? How hard would it be to dedicate some time on a “get you by” army list “article” while giving every warhammer player out there a new exciting reason to collect dwarf and greenskin miniatures and loads of GW brand green stuff?
They could even dedicate an entire portion to converting Chaos Dwarfs using the current range.
:hat CD warriors = more sales of plastic dwarf warriors, dwarf thunderers, dwarf miners, mauraders, and chaos warriors!!! (that’s alot of boxes!)
:h Hobgoblins = more sales of flagellants (for the bodies) and night goblins (for the heads) … or the standard goblin box set
:h Hobbo Wolfriders = more sales of goblin wolf rider boxset
:hashut Bull Centaurs = sales of Blood Bowl bull centaur star player. or (like i’m using) sales of bitz-order “medieval horses” for converting into bull bodies + MORE dwarf warriors/miners boxes for upper body.
:h Bolt Throwers = more sales of goblin bolt thrower
:mask Earthshaker = more sales of Hellcannon or Ork Mortar cannon
:mask Death Rocket = more sales of 40k Ork stormboy packs or rocket launchers.
EVERYTHING in a CD army can be converted using existing citadel miniatures, and my army is living proof of that (well not exactly living… :sick).
Moral: GW HAS EVERYTHING to gain by making a tournament allowed update of the Chaos Dwarf 2-page army list (note to GW: hand over the hellcannon!)