[Archive] A rumor I hope is untrue!


Last month at the 2nd 'Ard Boys Tournie in Texas, a GW Rep came to the store from England. I was talking to him about CDs when he told me there would be at least 7 new army books befor CDs would even be reconsidered and they may not even redo the army! I was shocked. He did mention a Cathay book and stuff about the new VC and Deamon books. But he made it distinctly clear that CD would be very, very far off if even done again! I wanted to scream! I hope dearly this is not true!


well if you think about it its not that bad i mean if its seven then thats

orks, highelves,vamps,ruinous powers ,dark elfs, the orbital thing for 40k and one more and thats just 2k8 i mean its rumored to come out late 2k9

and its just a red shirt saying this

Pyro Stick:

Dont forget about skaven, and highelves have already been released so they dont really count

Kera foehunter:

how hard would it be to come up with these new book if they want to !!!

Pyro Stick:

how hard would it be to come up with these new book if they want to !!!

Kera foehunter
They are obviously getting lazy. Since i started collecting the hobby i counted about about 14+ armies that they have come out with/re done and thats only been in the space of 2 - 3 years. And now they say they are doing about 7 armies in two years beofre they do CD. What a load of rubbish.


Last month at the 2nd 'Ard Boys Tournie in Texas, a GW Rep came to the store from England. I was talking to him about CDs when he told me there would be at least 7 new army books befor CDs would even be reconsidered and they may not even redo the army! I was shocked. He did mention a Cathay book and stuff about the new VC and Deamon books. But he made it distinctly clear that CD would be very, very far off if even done again! I wanted to scream! I hope dearly this is not true!

Unfortunately this is very plausible. We have to remember despite what we are compiling in the rumor threads there is no guarantee that CDs will be redone.




yes this seems pausable, but tbh would you want a little kid playing chaos dwarfs and ruining everything they stand for, for us?

i would really like new mini’s but i would rather stick to the uniquity that is cd’s.

i think chaos dwarfs will never be forgotten, much like kislev, hobgoblins, amazon’s to name a few,

we could always hope on a specialist game expanding cd’s like mordhiem or bloodbowl.

but if ( and i stress IF ) we dont get a book by 8th comes along we may get some journal list which doesnt bother me.

to be totally honist i think that chaos dwarf mini’s will appear from gamesworkshop in the next 3 years may be RoR or Mordhiem or some sort of new specialist game, but i know by fact that they will never get an army for the time being.

all i ask is a RoR and ill buy as many boxes to fill my chaos dwarf army


Did he specifically say Warhammer Army books or was he including LoTR and 40k in amongst that number?


Well, I don’t like to hear that. Lets just hope its a rumour. I also hope the Cathay book is a rumour, but chances are that its not. Just like GW to put out another unnecessary book to increase sales.

Kera foehunter:

well maybe G W��there scared to do this becase it would rule and take over warhammer


GW always like to do something different and new in the beginning and end of an update phase. Tomb Kings were the new guys in the middle of last phase and Ogre Kingdoms was at the end. The “seven army books” is the middle, I bet they were including all the 7th ed warhammer books that have already been released. Maybe the poor sales of OK will see them stuffed into Cathay instead, who knows


I think it’s safe to say that if they do Cathay before Chaos Dwarves I will be very upset. Actually, if they do Cathay at all I will be upset. What a waste! They should just update Dogs of War and put Cathayans in it, or something similar. While I admit that the old Samurai Riding Temple Dog figs were cool, I just don’t see a place for a Cathayan army.


Cathay has as much chance of a snowball in Hell. In other words it aint gonna happen. GW has their plate full enough as it is without adding armies that have never had their own lists before.


To answer some questions,

1. 7 books, all WFB, that was excluding the VC and HE books

2. The Cathay book is for real and is already started to be written. He called them the “dragon army” and the “Celestials”. Samuria Ogre, Serpintine dragons and such. CDs would come after them, if at all.

I talked with this guy for 2 days. He was very matter-o-fact. Didn’t seem like the guy to talk out his arse either. He was dead hard on the fact sure that CD would never get redone, because of poor sales.


Chalk all of this up to the “believe it when you see it” line of thinking. Fans have been after GW for an oriental army since before 3rd edition and each time it has not happened; could it this time? Sure. As I’ve said before: anything is possible, just not likely.

Uzkul Werit:

Chaos Dwarfs have much more of a base to bulid on than Cathay. Cathay had two minatures ages back, one of them being the Rocket Launcher. Don’t get me wrong - I’d love a Cathay army. But not until the Dawi Zharr are done.


Chaos Dwarfs have much more of a base to bulid on than Cathay. Cathay had two minatures ages back, one of them being the Rocket Launcher. Don't get me wrong - I'd love a Cathay army. But not until the Dawi Zharr are done.

Uzkul Werit
I would rather have a Nippon army list then Cathay. Done right it could be way cool. The one I wrote wasn't bad, but not fantasy enough. It was fairly historical if anything.

Servant of Chaos:

I still think that this guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He reminds me of someone I know who’s always making up random things to sound important. A Cathay army that’s in the works? That’s rediculous. If they were making a Cathay army they would let everybody know as soon as possible to up the hype and increase sales.

Also, he said that it is unlikely that Cds will be redone, but I know a lot of people who would love to play Cds but don’t have the motivation to convert the models. In my opinion this guy doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about.


id beleive cathay, and araby,


Two armies that have never had books before???