[Archive] An alliance to watch the Old World burn

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

Thx for the kind comments :slight_smile:

The earthshaker barrel was from an old pin holder, wheels from old 40k bikes, hubcaps are jewelery fixings, chain holders are skullcrusher lances, chains are jewelery chains, missiles are old superglue lids, flame on the rear of the barrel is from the WOC warshrine, side bits above the wheels and the rear ramp and deck come from an old land raider and the spikes on the sides and on the barrel are from a chaos space marine vehicle sprue, the ogre is actually a large staff only GW slayer with old blue horror hands :slight_smile: personally if i had the cash i would get the proper earthshaker but one of those would cost as much as my whole army!

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

I have some more WIP of Admiral Hazigoth on his Bale Taurus. He is second in command to Fleet Admiral Kurgan Blackheart. He is armed with the Blood of Hashut, pistol, Lore of Hashut, Black Hammer, Other Tricksters Shard, Charmed Shield, Tal of Preservation…


Wow… Just wow! 3 pages of pure awesome! You sir are one twisted individual!

My only question is how did you do the fireborn?

Can’t wait to see the next update!


Yea it’s really cool!

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

Fireborn were supercheap and easy. I just cut out 40mm bases from balsa wood, stuck a shortened kebab stick in the middle of the base. Glued a WoC head on the top and then grabbed some butchered metal classic daemonette crab claws and greenstuffed them to the kebab stick. The rest is just twisted tissue paper with heaps of superglue to harden it. I then added small chains. Real easy

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

Some WIP of my Fireborn:

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

I remembered i had no model for the Carpet riding prophet so i started him up :wink: Still very much WIP, i’m changeing his sword for a whip and the left hand will have a telescope. Here he is so far:

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

So here is my latest list for the Chaos Dwarfs, i have made a promise to myself to paint all this before making anything else…

+++ Flames of Hashut (9000pts) +++

+++ 9000pt Legion of Azgorh (Chaos Dwarfs) Roster (Standard)) +++


Legion of Azgorh (Chaos Dwarfs) (Standard) Selections:

+ Lords +

* Fleet Admiral Kurgan Blackheart - Sorcerer-Prophet

with main warrior block

(Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse)

*None - Darkforged Weapon (Darkforged Weapon), Armour of Destiny, Blood of Hashut (one use), Lore of Metal, Pistol, Stone Mantle, Wizard Level 4

* Admiral Hazigoth - Sorcerer-Prophet

(Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse)

Bale Taurus (Blazing Body, Breath Weapon, Flaming Attacks, Fly, Fuelled by Fire, Large Target, Terror, Thunderstomp), Black Hammer of Hashut, Blood of Hashut (one use), Charmed Shield, Lore of Hashut, Pistol, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Trickster’s Shard, Wizard Level 4

* Vice Admiral Darkflame - Sorcerer-Prophet

death snipes, hangs with hellcannons

(Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse)

None - Darkforged Weapon (Darkforged Weapon), Arabyan Carpet, Blood of Hashut (one use), Lore of Death, Naptha Bombs, Spellshield, Talisman of Endurance, Wizard Level 4

+ Heroes +

* Durgan Stormcaller - Bull Centaur Taur’ruk

with BC

, Contempt, Fear, Scaly Skin (5+), Stomp, Swiftstride)

Blackshard Armour, Dawnstone, Dragonshelm, Great Weapon, Potion of Foolhardiness

* Captain Hazgor - Daemonsmith Sorcerer

with magma cannons

(Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse)

None - Ensorcelled Hand Weapon (Ensorcelled Hand Weapon), Dispel Scroll, Lore of Fire, Pistol, Shield of Ptolos, Wizard Level 2

* Captain Vanda - Daemonsmith Sorcerer

with death shriekers

(Contempt, Daemonsmith, Infernal Engineer, Relentless, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse)

None - Ensorcelled Hand Weapon (Ensorcelled Hand Weapon), Chalice of Blood & Darkness, Lore of Fire, Pistol, Wizard Level 2

* Bigtooth Khan - Hobgoblin Khan

Giant Wolf (Fast Cavalry), Light Armour, Shield (no longer Fast Cavalry), Spear (only if mounted), The Terrifying Mask of EEE!

* Screatch Khan - Hobgoblin Khan

Giant Wolf (Fast Cavalry), Light Armour, Shrieking Blade

* Hakka Khan - Hobgoblin Khan

Giant Wolf (Fast Cavalry), Light Armour, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Spear (only if mounted)

* Ogola Khan - Hobgoblin Khan

Giant Wolf (Fast Cavalry), Glittering Scales, Spear (only if mounted)

* Moogla Khan - Hobgoblin Khan

Giant Wolf (Fast Cavalry), Light Armour, Sword of Might

* Cinder the Hard - Infernal Castellan

with main warrior block

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute, Stubborn)

Battle Standard Bearer, Ironcurse Icon, Luckstone, Pistol, Shield, The Mask of the Furnace

* Kazzar Rocksplitter - Infernal Castellan

with main warrior block

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute, Stubborn)

Armour of Bazherak the Cruel, Great Weapon, Opal Amulet, Pistol, Shield

+ Core +

* Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard

narrow frontage 5 wide, main warrior block

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Deathmask, 37x Infernal, Musician

* Standard Bearer

War Banner

* Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Deathmask, Musician, Standard Bearer

* 32x Infernal

32x Great Weapons

* Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Musician, Standard Bearer

* Deathmask

Naptha Bomb

* 20x Infernal

20x Fireglaives (Fireglaive)

* Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

* Deathmask

Naptha Bomb

* 10x Infernal

10x Fireglaives (Fireglaive)

* Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

* Deathmask

Naptha Bomb

* 10x Infernal

10x Fireglaives (Fireglaive)

* Hobgoblin Cutthroats

(Backstabbers, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Murder Boss, Musician, Standard Bearer

* 20x Cutthroats

20x Bows, 20x Shields

* Hobgoblin Cutthroats

(Backstabbers, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Murder Boss, Musician, Standard Bearer

* 20x Cutthroats

20x Bows, 20x Shields

* Hobgoblin Cutthroats

(Backstabbers, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Murder Boss, Musician, Standard Bearer

* 20x Cutthroats

20x Bows, 20x Shields

* Hobgoblin Cutthroats

(Backstabbers, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Murder Boss, Musician, Standard Bearer

* 20x Cutthroats

20x Bows, 20x Shields

* Hobgoblin Cutthroats

(Backstabbers, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Murder Boss, Musician, Standard Bearer

* 20x Cutthroats

20x Bows, 20x Shields

+ Special +

* Bull Centaur Renders

(Contempt, Fear, Scaly Skin (5+), Stomp, Swiftstride)

Bull Centaur Ba’hal, Musician

* 7x Bull Centaur Renders

7x Great Weapons, 7x Shields

* Standard Bearer

Gleaming Pennant

* Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Steam Carriage Upgrade

* Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Steam Carriage Upgrade

* Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Steam Carriage Upgrade

* Iron Daemon War Engine

(Carriage Hauler, Demolition, Impact Hits (D6+2), Ironhide, Large Target, Lumbering & Unstoppable, Skullcracker, Steam Cannonade, Terror, Unbreakable, Unique Unit)


* Iron Daemon War Engine

(Carriage Hauler, Demolition, Impact Hits (D6+2), Ironhide, Large Target, Lumbering & Unstoppable, Skullcracker, Steam Cannonade, Terror, Unbreakable, Unique Unit)


* K’daai Fireborn

, Blazing Body, Bound Fire Daemon, Burning Bright, Fear, Flaming Attacks, Stomp, Unbreakable, Unstable)

8x K’daai Fireborn, K’daai Manburner

* Magma Cannon

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Steam Carriage Upgrade

* Magma Cannon

(Contempt, Relentless, Resolute)

Steam Carriage Upgrade

+ Rare +

* Chaos Siege Giant

(Fall Over, Immune to Psychology, Large Target, Special Attacks, Stubborn, Terror, Wall Ripper)

Runes of Hate

* Dreadquake Mortar

(Contempt, Firing the Dreadquake, Quake!, Relentless, Resolute, Slow to Reload)

Additional Crew - Slave Ogre, Hellbound, Steam Carriage Upgrade

* Hellcannon

(Caged Fury, Daemonic Construction, Doomfire, Large Target, Monster & Handlers, Terror, Thunderstomp, Unbreakable)

* Hellcannon

(Caged Fury, Daemonic Construction, Doomfire, Large Target, Monster & Handlers, Terror, Thunderstomp, Unbreakable)

* Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders

(Cowardly Despoilers, Fast Cavalry, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Musician, Standard Bearer, Wolf Boss

* 5x Raiders

5x Spears

* Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders

(Cowardly Despoilers, Fast Cavalry, Hobgoblin Animosity)

Musician, Standard Bearer, Wolf Boss

* 5x Raiders

5x Spears

* K’daai Destroyer

, Blazing Body, Bound Fire Daemon, Flaming Attacks, Frenzy (D3), Large Target, Terror, Thunderstomp, Unbreakable, Unstable)


Massive army list. I like it and your character names. How about naming the units as well?

I’m a fan of your Daemonhost K’daai! They look great and are suiting for Chaos Dwarfs.

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

Thx Admiral :wink: I’m thinking about how to place them on the snow bases the rest of my forces are on. I’m thinking of just scraping the snow away from the base and adding tamiya clear red and yellow. It won’t look that great but it will be fast :wink:


This gave me a rather good laugh. Promised yourself to not build anything before you’ve painted 9000 points.

Does one really need anything else having 9000 points?


This gave me a rather good laugh. Promised yourself to not build anything before you've painted 9000 points.

Does one really need anything else having 9000 points?

One does need 18000 points. ;)

This will be a big army to boot!

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

I blame the mantic dwarfs. When i got the supercheap armybox i sat on an immense ammount of core dwarfs… then my bitzbox revealed 100 slaves… then i thought i need to make some warmachines… good old bitz box again. Problem is i have no forgeworld stuff… so once this is all done i have a few more WoC units to finish up and then… well by that time i’ll be looking into the forgeworld stock :wink: i’ve always loved massive games, when we were younger we use to use lego knights to make ranks etc but now… well now i just need to paint :wink:

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

Been busy adding the Spyglass telescope, naptha bombs, whip, beard tassels and scale armour to my magic carpet prophet. I got so pumped i went out and bought some real modelling tools! I’ll be using them on the next project :wink:

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

I also finished off a unit of Infernal Guard and put matt varnish on everything that is painted so far. Still not a legal army with just the Prophet on Bale Taurus, 8 Fireborn and 34 Infernal Guard so i think i’ll be painting some more core up… I’m not looking forward to the slave units but i think they will be next…

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

Pumped out 2 magma cannons, crew and 3 infernal guard i left behind in the last batch :wink:


Thats some very cool magmas right there!!!. You army looks very nice, great work!!


Agreed to the letter with the Norwegian. :wink:

The Magma Cannons looks like experimental contraption from the hands of CD inventors. Nice!

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

The Daemonsmiths of Fleet Admiral Kurgan Blackheart have been put to work. Noone wants to mess with Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed…

Vantraxx the Thrice Cursed:

And I like this rough and dirty Steampunk colours.


Thank you very much, rough and dirty is how i roll. When i think of Chaos Dwarfs on the open seas i think of rust... lots of dirty rust ;)