[Archive] Artisan's IX - Regiment of Renown


Then I’m not sure what to tell everyone. The mini contest was well received and if fact AFAICR people were upset that they didn’t know about it.

Bottom line is that we are never going to please everyone, not are we going to try. As an individual (that’s anyone) you have the option to not enter if that’s your choice. Again I learned long ago that being a staffer means no matter what you do there will be someone who doesn’t like your choices (or ours for that matter).

We’d like to have everyone participate that wishes to do so, if you feel a contest is not to your liking then wait for one that is.

So once again chalk it up to we try for the best outcome possible.


So, now that people have had their say about what they think (and to those who are unhappy, yes, we have heard it), who is actually interested/ excited about entering??  

Enough of the negativity, let’s focus on the positive to encourage people to enter.  Controversy does not encourage people, but for those who are not entering feel free to discuss some ideas for those who are.

I have a couple of ideas rattling around.


This is not my prefered theme for an AC because of my lack of the english language and my nonexistent knowlege of the current rules (I don’t own the new 8th edition rulebook)!

I will try to use the 7th edition rules … if this is ok?!

I have a quite cool (imo) idea for a RoR but I’m not sure if I’m able to bring it in a correct form … we will see! :~



Huzzah, now I have a concept, thank you a boring job interview!


Were you thinking about this during the interview??!

@Zanko.  There are still people playing 7th ed, so I doubt you’d lose many votes from people for that.  I guess it depends whether people think it would still be balanced/fun/effective in 8th maybe?

It’s all good fun writing and entering, so I’d just enter anyway if I were you.  If there are fewer of the regulars in there the odds of getting a gold may be higher… :idea (though I’d love to see us get more than 10 entries).

Hashut’s Blessing:

I temporarily considered rebalancing my (very imbalanced - what a dolt!) entry into the WoH competition, but I decided to go for something completely new! Damnit, I’ve just had a second idea for this!


Were you thinking about this during the interview??!

yup, damn multi-channel mind.
at least I have an idea now.

Blue in VT:

This is not my prefered theme for an AC because of my lack of the english language and my nonexistent knowlege of the current rules (I don't own the new 8th edition rulebook)!

I will try to use the 7th edition rules ... if this is ok?!

I have a quite cool (imo) idea for a RoR but I'm not sure if I'm able to bring it in a correct form ... we will see! :~

I will probably not be entering this comp for similar reasons as Zanko...except I haven't played since 4th edition!! But I encourage everyone else to do so...sounds like a fun idea.

That said I would be happy to read/edit the work of anyone for whom English is a second (or third) language. While I am not a professional editor I do a lot of writing for work and would be happy to help...feel free to drop me a PM if I can assist (thats assuming the organizers wouldn't have a problem with me helping non-native speakers)

:hat off



Hey, I just want to point out that I’m not questioning the work of our valiant moderators!!! This forum is great and contests like AC keep the comunity active!

I just gave out a (minor) critic that’s it!!!

Other than this I hope to read loads and loads of rules for fantastic RoR!!! Plenty of inspiration for future conversions:)


Given that I’m relatively new to the whole WHFB scene I’m not feeling so confident with this one, so the previous rules development comp. is a big bonus for setting the stage.

Other than this I hope to read loads and loads of rules for fantastic RoR!!! Plenty of inspiration for future conversions:)

Along that same line of thought… I had an idea for a RoR, but I started thinking that it would require some conversion for absolutely every model in the unit. I’m wondering how much of a deterrent such an entry would be? If I had two RoRs side by side that I had to vote on and they were equally well thought out and well written, characterful, etc. but one could be fielded as just a unit of CD Warriors and the other would require hours of conversion work to ever make it playable I’d vote for the most immediately playable/less conversion one first. Does anyone else think the same way? Am I setting myself up behind the 8-ball by doing a unit that requires an overly involved conversion for each model?



I don’t think it would matter a whole lot, as there’s always the option to use (unconverted) proxy models…

Thommy H:

Wait: so the 500 word limit includes the flavour text in special rules?

a) How will you measure that? Anyone who’s read an Armies book knows that fluff and rules are rarely delineated in such a convenient way.

b) Why so harsh a word limit? 500 is, like, one page on Word. Yes, writers can work with word limits, but there has to be a threshold below which nothing meaningful can be achieved. There’s no way I can present an idea for a unit that will actually work and be interesting in under 500 words.

Seriously, please take a look at how many words just a basic unit in an Armies book is allotted, and take a look at the old, full, DoW rules from 5th Edition - it should be obvious that 500 isn’t enough.


I think I have mine almost finished! :slight_smile:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Nico: That shouldn’t be something to worry about too much because, let’s face it, how likely is it going to be that it comes down to a factor of the only difference in quality is the conversionf actor? Besides, on a forum where conversion is such a massive part of the community, I don’t think it would lose you any votes :wink: Regardless, would it not be fun to have the rules done? DO IT!

Obsidian: Already?!? I’ve still not yet decided as to which of my two thoughts I shall develop!


Why so harsh a word limit? 500 is, like, one page on Word.

Thommy H
I don't think it is harsh at all. I think the restriction, will make you write more efficiently. I hear this from timt to time, from the Uni students I work with. "Oh the word count is set so impossibly low, how am I ever going to write a good essay with so few words. I have a lot to say". Well the truth of the matter is, that you are simply just going to HAVE to do it that way.
- it should be obvious that 500 isn't enough.

Thommy H
Again I disagree. Sorry. I think that 500 words is do-able.
I think I have mine almost finished!

Well Done!. I am still fleshing out my ideas. I am working on 3 different ones, at the same time, and depending on which one I like the most when it is finished, I will submit it.


@Hashut’s Blessing and G.; well maybe a coincidence but I was already thinking of doing something alike a while ago! ^^


I have an idea (or three) but will I really get them done for the contest that is the question. I usually put my ideas for Regiments into TDS.


I think I have a fun idea for a unit, should be a fun little design.

It will also fit the background and basis of the chaos dwarfs too.

Thommy H:

I don't think it is harsh at all. I think the restriction, will make you write more efficiently. I hear this from timt to time, from the Uni students I work with. "Oh the word count is set so impossibly low, how am I ever going to write a good essay with so few words. I have a lot to say". Well the truth of the matter is, that you are simply just going to HAVE to do it that way.
As nice as it is to be patronised (yes, I was a student myself just a few years ago - I know all about word limits, thank you), 500 words just isn't that much. And we're not talking about an essay which is graded on the assumption that a certain amount of brevity is necessary, and even desirable: just look at any Armies book and you'll see that a page on Word is only enough to create a usable unit. It isn't enough to create an exciting unit that's going to win a competition. The Dogs of War units that were featured in White Dwarf all got at least a two page spread, generally in 10-point type, which takes them way over 500 words.

It's just not enough. And I wouldn't mind, but I don't think this particular limit has actually been thought out at all. You're going to get a bunch of bland, boring entries that no one's going to have any opinions on.

So can we have it changed to something a bit more realistic? If not, I'm really not that interested in entering.


Not that I have any authority to make any changes, … but as a compromise (maybe nobody thinks we need one) what about keeping the word limit where is it, which may mean there’s a significant amount of material that has to be cut, including good stuff, but then after the competition the winning entrant(s) could be sent a PM to provide their full-length text and fluff. … so the comp would be for the RoR with the most paired-down fluff representation, and by winning those people are effectively given the green light to present their fully-developed rules, which will be showcased in the Website news comp. results thread… while everyone else will be relegated to posting in their blogs and/or the rules development threads.