[Archive] Artisan's VII(1)


I still havent started yet, must make some time this weekend, dont want to miss this one (:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Argh, I forgot about this isnce my last post and can no longer remember what I was going to do for it, lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, time to create something new :wink:


Reminder everyone, deadline is tonight at 11:59 PM EST.


Damn shame, I will not be able to make this.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Damnit, got swept up with exams and vivas. Unless I can get somethign done in a few hours, I won’t be in, unfortunately…


sent, hope you like it


Obviously this has closed for entries now everybody.


sorrry for not sending anything in! I really wanted to…