[Archive] Bluebeards' Clan. Golden Hat entry


Excellent Orcs, they are reall nicely done. Love that banner.

I can't wait to see your first unit of Chaos Dwarfs fully converted and painted!

At your orders! :hat off
This is my first unit painted in the army, almost 1,5 years ago. Rebased, provided with shields (I have only 6 of them :P), upgraded to 25 and with banner re-painted.

as I'm going with the "classic" 4/5th ed style :hat I made only minor conversions, just to make the unit a little less plain.. and with minor conversion for my champion. Do you recognize him? ;)

Thommy H:

Very nice, especially the shields.


the beards are strange, but yet the are cool

Ghrask Dragh:

Shields look awesome dude, love them :hat off


Thank you guys :hat off

Tommy H, Ghrask : yes I’m proud of my red :rolleyes: I tried to make something different than usual but… “classic” at the same time.

Furrie: I felt that my dark scheme was lacking colors. In my fluff they are a symptom of mutations… if we can have tusks we can also have bluebeards :wink:

Nobody told me about the champion… :h

:smiley: Regards, Bassman

Kera foehunter:

wow love the arrow shields and the blue beards

if i had bighat warrior i think i would do the bluebeards too


Tarrakk Blackhand:

These guys are awesome! I especially like the Warriors with the “You’re going down” shields. Please tell us…who’s the champion?


These guys are awesome! I especially like the Warriors with the "You're going down" shields. Please tell us....who's the champion?

Tarrakk Blackhand
Well, I'm a bt disappointed! I believed mine was a simple question :rolleyes:
He is the standard bearer n.1 http://www.solegends.com/citcat9x4/c93530-02.htm
The banner was missing and I needed a champion so.... :idea

Well, it's time for a new update...
Do you remember my bolt throwers?

I started to paint the cremen:

What do you think?
:hat off Bassman

centauro enano:

Hello to everybody,
Xander and Pyro Stick eventually convinced me to join CDO.
I would like to show Zharr-Ngrund's Bluebeards Clan!
Why bluebeards, you'll know later :D
I start with my (in)-famous Sorcerer of Death Magick:

and sorcerer of Fire Magick:

Is it clear I am a big hat lover? :o
My entire army is 4/5th edition style!

Hope you enjoy. :hat off

More pics are coming as soon as possible.
Bassman :cheers

I love the style of the sorcered. You mind if a similar model? :)

Hrothgar Goldgreed:

You paint even better than you convert? Scary …amazing … lovin’ it! :wink:

Tharzhul Firehelm:

Looking good man

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I wish to upload something as soon as possible.

Centauro Enano: you can copy whatever you like… but give credit me for the idea :hat

Bye, Bassman


nice hobbos

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Warlord Ghazak Gazhkull:


great looking sorcerer, can’t wait to see those ladz painted



Well mate, thats a good looking army starting there :slight_smile:


This is going to be one impressive looking army.

centauro enano:

I wish to upload something as soon as possible.

Centauro Enano: you can copy whatever you like.... but give credit me for the idea :hat

Bye, Bassman

Thank you Bassman. :cheers


I have to thank you all for your kind words.

I’m slowly painting my hobgoblin wolfriders, as not having better pictures of them unpainted I’ll show you some old pictures.

Sorry for bad quality of pics:

I took an old goblin wolfrider as a base, adding the “beer belly” and prolonged legs:

then I shaped head and clothes to look like 4th ed hobgoblins:

shaped sleeves and gave him a nice trumpet, he is a musician!

and here the guy completed on catwalk :rolleyes: :

enjoy :rolleyes: new (old :h ) pics are coming soon! :hat off

Kera foehunter:

wow great job bassman i like the pieced ear !!

now he need an eye patch too


wow great job bassman i like the pieced ear !!
now he need an eye patch too

Kera foehunter
Ahahahah, you really love pirates!
Thank you.