[Archive] Bolg's Blog of other stuff on a butget... (pic heavy)


Awesome! :D

Your idea sure was. Thanx (:


Played a 4 way battle of Dystopian Wars today. I 'd remembered the board game Atlantis from my childhood and I kept some of the miniatures in the box. I found this one (unfortunately not the sea sneak monster) greenstuffed it and brought it to the table for fun. May I present to you Freddy the Friendly Gigantic Octopus the objective marker of the game:


Those prussians are in troubble…


No, Freddy is nice, he’s saying “High five” d:

Oh and I’m reworking all my ships. painting all the window now (crazy).The zeppelins are coming along nicely.


freddies so cute. my daughter loves him and wants him!!!


He came from this board game:

[edit] pic removed, not linkable[/edit]


I suck at making molds… but sculpting 50 toes ans a few tails and ears is still less work than sculpting a complete unit of squighs.

but now I’m out of resin and mould stuff so I should get start painting what I have.


Update as i’m having so much fun:

but I should be doing something else (:


but I should be doing something else (:

Why? It's such a great fun :D


The brush slave is over, so time to post the finished Squigs here as well:


Looking forward to using these guys in a all Gobbo army (:

(Clam, thanx for the extra point, much appriciated)


Looks like someone spilled a bag of candy. :stuck_out_tongue:

Great models Bolg!


Thanx, I really enjoyed going crazy with all the colors, normally I dont use many different colors on a single unit but I thought I’d give it a try on these guys.


I now Have enough squigs to field 2 hordes, I just have to paint the 2nd.

My giant mangler is still not finished but I bought some new chains so I can finally start working on him again.

But sunday there is a random team doubles tournament and I want to field a all gobbo army so I need a mangler. and after I saw the new GW mangler I thought my first sculpt attempts would do well for a mangler.


Now to get it painted a.s.a.p.


Oh, I love those manglers. Awesome sculpts, Bolg.

And sorry for not posting here before. For some strange reason, I’ve never seen this blog of yours before :frowning: Awesome, awesome stuff in here - and really enjoy your own sculpts :hat off


I love squigs! Your mangled is especially great!


Thanx guys (: And Clam, dont worry about that. I tend to update my blogs mainly at night so the updates are easy to miss.

Oh and I just played a brilliant game of all gobbos with the Mangler and 2 units of squigs (1 horde). in turn 2 I used a dispel scroll to keep the mangler alive, I kind of lost the battle as I needed that scroll later but after playing 6 turns the mangler was the only thing still alive in my army. legendary (:


I’m having so much fun playing with 1500 or 1800 points all gobbos with 2 units of squigs (! horde of 34 with 15 handlers and one of 21 with 14 handlers) and i’m preparing for a campaign with 3 armies of all gobbos…

But I’m really starting to miss my Chaos Dwarves d:

pics of all the new squigs and gobbos soon.


Ha! I can just imagine your Gobbo army! I bet they’re amazingly funny to play with!


Yeah I love the 8th edition, its actually doable to play all gobbos (unlike say 5th edition).

But I should stop surfing the net and start finishing that Mangler (:


So the campaign starts in a few weeks, and apparently you need 3 army markers (for your 3 armies) and 1 city marker for your main city. (we are playing 3 lists of 1500 points max 40, 40 and 50 points of magic items and max 2 levels of magic/bound items)

so hre are my all Gobbo markers.

left to right: Goblin mushroom citadel, squig horde, wolf(chariot) horde and Goblin horde (with Trolls).

Painted pictures soon.