[Archive] Bolt Thrower with Power!

Border Reiver:

I’m going to steal your idea for the harpoon gun, but I’ll give credit with a little sticky note on the bottom of the base.


:hat off very nice, this is a good :idea and a perfect way to make:hat off:cheers


Snotling, how do you cut out rivets so small from plasticard? Are you just cutting them off of a really small cylinder? Also where do you get all your different size tubes of plasticard? I found some variety packs in a model train shop, but not that great of a variety of cylinders/tubes…



I had a similar idea that’s being used over at Forge of Hashut right now.

Great minds think alike.

Fools rarely differ.


That’s pretty funny. the hobgob gunner looks utterly crazed.

Nice job.


i love your helmets!

great work!!!:hat off


Nice helmets on the hobbos, really creative :slight_smile:


Tarrakk Blackhand:

Love what you did with the Hobbo’s. This is better than the traditional “Cut them in the middle and extend them” tactic for the conversion work. Hope you don’t mind if I do something simular. I hate extending the bodies.