Thank you! I’m still trying to stick mostly to just basecoat, wash, reapply base, then a highlight or two until I’m comfortable enough to get a bit more speed going. I think my highlights could still use some work in terms of how bright to go as well; I’m finding it difficult to get a balance of “looks good on the table” and “looks good blown up 20x” at 15mm Things are improving though, I’m trying to put in about two hours a day and getting through 12-15 models every three days or so, so almost twice as fast as when I started.
I scrounged through my old broken warhammer collection while dogsitting this weekend and came up with some good stuff! A few models from an old D&D game called Chainmail that are nominally 28mm but will make for good giant monsters to give my warbands some grief, as well as some Warhammer bits that I will be using to make my own 15mm ogres, as I’m not thrilled with most of the lines that are available. They’ll be a good excuse to get some putty and learn to sculpt as well!
I also grabbed a couple of test models to make my first attempts at basing. I intentionally picked some difficult models to make sure I would be able to apply my technique to any tricky figures that I might have and so far it seems like it will work, I have filler putty drying as I type and hopefully pics by tomorrow at the latest!
More painted goblins to come once the varnish is dry!
I think the filler/bird grit combination will give enough texture for the 15mm guys but I’m not sure about my colours. I think I prefer the brown base but it might be just because the green grass goes better with it and I kind of wish I had bought a more dead looking grass, but c’est la vie. I can’t decide if I prefer the all-brown or grey stones either; anyone have any thoughts?
edit: and if anyone has any tips on using static grass I’m all ears too, not totally thrilled with how my tufts came out :<br> double edit: no time to clean the table, gotta paint
Me and boyfights had a conversation about Ogres for 15mm the other day, and I promised to take some photos for comparison. Ill post them here since there might be other interested, its CPmodels Pugbears for their 20mm range compared to Demonworlds Elves and Dwarves. I didn’t have any Tjublings available at the time so Ill just add them in here as well since that was the original question.
EDIT: Oh, and about your bases I think they look good for representing “the Darklands”, rocks and patches of vegetation. Personally Id go for some brown/grey flock similar to the green I have used on my 15mm stuff. I can be bought at most hobby stores and are available in loads of different colors.
I like the bases, they look fine to me. As for the stones I guess it depends on the colour scheme of the mini. I�?Td go for the best contrast. If you keep both grey and brown on some minis you can increase one colour over the other depending on the minis�?T paintjob. Just my thoughts and I am certainly no expert.
By the by did you notice the gobbo on the right has two left arms? Fine by me they get mutated too and I have at least two heroes with the same mutation ( Damn you god of bitz boxes!).
tjub: Those ogres look pretty cool, I’m feeling them a lot more after seeing them next to some 15mm (which are beautiful as always!). I ordered some greenstuff last night so I can start work on my conversions, but once I’m a little more comfortable with it I might see if I can work some of these into something a little closer to my vision
What do you think of this flock? I’m without a local hobby store and am mostly limited to mail order unfortunately, so I won’t get a chance to see things in person first :<br> Uther: I had similar thoughts to you regarding contrast, I’m still working with a modest paint collection (maybe 50 colours including washes, more on the way with my greenstuff!) and have used both the browns and greys for boots, so in the interest of things not blending together I was considering just working around boot colour
I had to double check the arms on the goblin thinking I had interpreted that arm wrong this whole time but it really is a stabby right arm These guys are from the original plastic night goblin kit from years ago, and as I recall you were stuck using a few of these arms if you wanted the whole box armed with spears, which meant the unit doubled as a high-level brainteaser puzzle if you wanted to get them ranked up properly!
What do you think of this flock? I'm without a local hobby store and am mostly limited to mail order unfortunately, so I won't get a chance to see things in person first :\
Ah, jupp! Woodland Scenics has some great stuff, I use their ranges as well. Available in a bunch of different colors too. When flocking thought, you want to do in to two steps. Thats important, first cover the base with PVA of similar and flock. Leave to dry, and then mix say 1/3 PVA with 2/3 water(like milk) and drench the flock with it, then flock again. Leave all of the excess flock onto of the base until you are sure its dry, a few hours extra is good.
Gets a rich base without any base shining through. You could also use two different flocks for the last stage, sprinkle a little of each.
Ah, jupp! Woodland Scenics has some great stuff, I use their ranges as well. Available in a bunch of different colors too. When flocking thought, you want to do in to two steps. Thats important, first cover the base with PVA of similar and flock. Leave to dry, and then mix say 1/3 PVA with 2/3 water(like milk) and drench the flock with it, then flock again. Leave all of the excess flock onto of the base until you are sure its dry, a few hours extra is good.
Gets a rich base without any base shining through. You could also use two different flocks for the last stage, sprinkle a little of each.
I will order some for sure then, thank you! I'd like to have some grass incorporated so that my bases still look okay when I use some/most of the models for my future campaign in the Border Princes/Badlands but I'm not sure I necessarily want the grass-all-over look either and kind of think some muddy/dirt sections would be appropriate. I'm kicking myself for not ordering a new brown/grey with my last order and dedicating it to my bases, I need to find a local Vallejo supplier so I don't have to buy $50 worth at a time for free shipping :P
Once the flock arrives I'll bang out a few 15mm bases for a better test, though my ogres will be roughly the size of these goblins so I think I'm off to the right start at least!
Inspired by tjub’s new creations and feeling like a little break from painting I decided to base my night goblins using my test technique. The static grass needs some work and my camera work is doing them no favours but I’m pretty happy with them! I think I’m going to keep using similar basing, adapting the colours to whatever will look good I expect a variety of boards to appear in my campaign anyway!
edit: My flock actually has little cork “rocks” in it so rather than painting the bird grit separately I just used that for different coloured rocks instead
They look really nice. I have a soft spot for gobbos and ypurs are cool. Basing looks great and could go with a variety of boards Aswell.
Uther the unhinged
Thanks very much! Greenskins have always been my favourites, orcs and orks being my first warhammer armies it seemed appropriate to make them my first frostgrave warband as well! Those beautiful daemon world minis made it a pretty easy decision too. Total cost of everything pictured? 10 pounds :)
My green stuff has arrived, I'm dying to start working on my ogres but I need to finish painting so I can buy more models. Time to quit my job I think, I have too many important things on the go!
I couldn’t resist Pretty rough and sloppy greenstuff work but it was more just a proof of concept that got a little further than I expected. Still need to sculpt on his fu manchu and this one will get a shield, might see if I have any other bits to stick on. I was lucky enough to find an intact mordheim accessory sprue so that will give me some options, couldn’t find any of my old kroot sprues though which was a disappointment as they had a lot of great bits
Pretty simple overall though; the legs and torsos are from the old multipose dwarf plastic kit (the 1-hand/2-hand/xbows one), a goblin head with the ears and nose trimmed and filed down to be a little more ogrely, goblin left arm for the shield and a cut down gor right arm. The weapon is a bit on the big side, I think I will try to shorten them on future models. I’m pretty happy with him so far though, the scale seems about right at least!
Well done with the basing, looks good! And the Ogre as well, are you going to paint him in human flesh tones? Its fun to hunt for models/parts that will fit with different scales.
Well done with the basing, looks good! And the Ogre as well, are you going to paint him in human flesh tones? Its fun to hunt for models/parts that will fit with different scales. :)
Thanks! I had a blast hunting for parts and getting him together, I really missed working with the plastic kits. I'm leaning more towards a human flesh tone for the ogre but I do like the look of some of the more grayish ones I've seen as well, I'm still trying to make my mind up. Definitely avoiding green though, I'm hoping between skin colour and some greenstuff facial hair he won't look as much like a goblin once he's done :)
Depending on how many bodies I can salvage (I've got a little over a dozen and I'm pretty sure I can get more) I hope to do a couple different groups though and some heroes and manhunters. I'm planning at least a couple manhunters for my chaos dwarfs using your spare hats once they're available and my greenstuff skills are up to it!
If I can find something to use as gnoblars I'll be running some with the ogres as their own warband(s) too; so far Splintered Light seem to have the best option again with their kobolds, here. Not exactly perfect, but I think if I trim the little horns off and file the "dog" nose into the rest of the snout they'll do the trick with some green skin. I'm open to suggestions though!
Two more friends, sporting some extremely crude mustaches :yar OK no more ogres for now, gotta focus on painting!
edit: I just realized I never posted the inspiration for these because I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, but here it is! I used different parts for mine because that’s what I had lying around, but I didn’t want to take all the credit!
Good painting progress on the gobbos. I like the teams with nets and big sticks. Clever conversion of Ogres for 15mm duty, kudos for moustache. Smooth first time sculpting! Keep it up.