[Archive] Brush Slave #10 - This is how I would do it, November Painting Challenge


@ Hazkar: Hopefully you remebered to take some “before” photos of your item before you applied that primer.


Maybe, I’ll paint something up today, might take a day off from school due to illness and migrain attacks and all that :wink:


That´s how I’d do it! (sorry for the blurry photos ;))


greatly improved I might ad (:


Hehe thanks (:

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Well … hmm! … cough remember the Challenge special rules cough

- but nice paintings, of course - and you still got time to fix the small “base issue” :wink:


Oh dang, I totally forgot! Will try to fix it this afternoon!


I forgive you :smiley:

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Well ... hmm! ... *cough* remember the Challenge special rules *cough*

Think I might forgot to read the rules x.x

I'll fix that as soon as possible.


Darn, I have like 3 model ready to be repainted but no time as I actually have work/deadlines. (witch is good as that pays the rent but I so want to do this challenge). Give me a week and I should have something (:


Bolg, paint durimg coffe breaks/lumch break. I mean, you can’t work 8-9 hours without some breaks!

Plus, you are a freelancer right? :wink:


@ Warh. I really, really hope those are eyes!!


fixed the base, It will count as a chaos spawn in my CSM army

@ Abecedar:  ofcourse there eyes, what else would they be :stuck_out_tongue:


@Borador, you are right, so I took this day of waiting on feedback to finish my first entry.

I confess, I’m a crazy frog fan, I dont have the ringtone, never had but I did buy the game just to annoy my friends. So when I found this gut I was really happy.
But then I thought; Isn’t CF supposed to be showing his privates? So I fixed that with greenstuff.
Today I finally had the time to paint him.

I’m so happy he is finally finished (and complete). Best thing is: as Brush Slave is always a one off model, its great for experimenting with new painting techniques (in this case loads of little stripes to highlight).
Oh and for the Rules, I think it could be a Tau Kroot or something but I dont play 40K, I do play Necromunda and he would do great as the Monster in the Blind Fighting senario


Ha, that’s genious!

I really should be basing mine; RL, get outta my way!! :wink:


Alrighty; changed my entry.  I may still do the mammoth if I get around to it this month, but this one fits the requirements.  ;)




Lord Aldades:

Roightie, so heres my entry:<br><br>Saint Seiyas Milo of Scorpio

Before: 32mm high (base not included) Bandai mono colour gashapon capsule toy

After: A fresh hero to use in my SuperSystem games

The temple is just bought like that a (long) while ago from eBay, was a set with all 12 sanctuary palaces, an Athena statue and the Pope`s Palace, all prepainted hollow polystone.


And that is a huge improvement (:


Great Stuff so far. and here’s mine. No last minute panics this month

From the “Yowie” Range (like Kinder Surprises) of chocolate and toys.

The innocent and timid Southern Brush Wallaby (I think)

Transformed into the Vicious “Black Fanged Lava-Leaper”.


Okay,I´m done

Here´s my entry:a Hulk mini by Hero Clix

