[Archive] Brush Slave #10 - This is how I would do it, November Painting Challenge


Yep, da Hulk looks much better now.


haha thx

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that hulk looks good.

Here is my 2nd entry, a Inquisitor scale Meg (Megara from Disneys Hercules).

its been chaos at my house because of renovations, just got my painting area set up and this was the first thing i painted (:

Kinder Surprise toy that been in my collection in ages. and yes I should make better pictures during daytime I was just happy I painted something again (:


There are some improvement going on here. The “after” pictures look a lot better than the “before” pictures.


Good to hear as that was kinda the idea of this Brush Slave.

And as I feel partly responsible for this months challenge I feel obliged to shout:

Lets keep those updates coming people! 8 so far but we should at least double that d:


Oh yeah, almost forgot my base issue. New pics this afternoon I hope!


Here is my entry. I re-painted two AT-43 Red Blok soldiers. The “before” photos became corrupted and I couldn’t use them, so I found some older photos (sorry for the bad quality), as a reference to how the minis looked before I re-painted them.

I tried a camo pattern, and a kind of desert colour scheme. They are not my best work, but here they are anyway.

Here is the original colour scheme of the guy on the right.

Here is the original colour scheme of the guy on the left.


Well thats a huge improvement (:


Nice work guys, lots of cool entries. Was rather critical about this months theme, but thanks for proving me wrong.

Will set up a poll, tonight - and let the people of CDO decide who met the challenge the best.

Sorry for not taking part myself. Lots of bad excusses, but time and health does allow much painting these days. December, it might get even worse, I’m affraid - RL sucks :frowning:

And then it’s time for the last BS. It will collide with GH - but hopefully you’ll find time for both.

See ya’



I had 3 extra models I was working on, but had to little time to finish any of them.

So if it was a success, maybe next year we do a Part 2 maybe? (:


Clam, you can count my entry out, didnt manage to get the basing done and photographed :wink:

Hope things get better for you soon mate, RL can be a real pain in the ass!


Thanks, and I will let your miniature count. After all this is just for the fun of it :slight_smile:

Voting is up now: http://www.chaos-dwarfs.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=10181


Thanks clam, that’s nice of you :slight_smile: i’ll go vote right now!