If you’re running a LoA list rather than an RH list, then the Mantic ones might not work - the Mantic ones are on regular cavalry bases (25x50mm) while BCs are on monstrous cavalry bases (50x75mm). Your best bet is either Dragon Ogres or kit bash from demigryphs and sufficiently large torsos.
If you're running a LoA list rather than an RH list, then the Mantic ones might not work - the Mantic ones are on regular cavalry bases (25x50mm) while BCs are on monstrous cavalry bases (50x75mm). Your best bet is either Dragon Ogres or kit bash from demigryphs and sufficiently large torsos.
I was going to play with the forgeworld rules, why? there are still those old one still accepted in tournaments?
I have no idea about that army composition at all.
When they came out i was like 5 (25 now)
You can still use the old ones, but they’re massively undersized - the old metal ones are designed for cavalry bases so to avoid having them get lost on the new relatively massive bases you’d probably have to stick two onto one bases.
Some convert chaos warrior horses or juggernauts with ogre bodies, some of these look really good and its at least a little bit cheaper than the FW ones. But for me personally neither the FW ones nor the other options fit well with the old big hats. Then I would also prefer the old big hat BCs with too big bases.
You can still use the old ones, but they're massively undersized - the old metal ones are designed for cavalry bases so to avoid having them get lost on the new relatively massive bases you'd probably have to stick two onto one bases.
A quick google search shows the size difference: http://alwaysstrikefirst.com/content/images/fbfiles/images/sml_FW_Bull_Centaur.jpg
Thx for that pic, the difference is obviously huge, but the fw ones look way too stupid, they are just obese things with 4 legs...
the old amazing ones are too pricy on ebay, so i guess i have to look for the mantic one and replace the heads with the russian alternatives 2h weapons one
Some convert chaos warrior horses or juggernauts with ogre bodies, some of these look really good and its at least a little bit cheaper than the FW ones. But for me personally neither the FW ones nor the other options fit well with the old big hats. Then I would also prefer the old big hat BCs with too big bases.
i saw horses with ogre bodies, they kinda fit but the ogre face is ugly as hell, and im not good with gs, never did anything in my life with it, so sculpting parts of it will be offlimits.
hats > all
at this point i will try to think about mantic ones on 2x on each base for fill it and give some decent idea...what do you ppl think?
the FW BCs are not obese... they are ripped with muscle. I get you may not like them but its weird you keep calling them obese over and over.
obese because they are way too huge for any common sense.
My bad, I tend to use that word in 2 ways.
In the end I still dont know what to do for those bulls, even checking on comixininos there arent so many possibilities, the 2 good ones are those from meiko and greebo.
Still not enough for a proper unit, a total of 5, I have the feeling they are larger than the original one and mantic one too, but still not enough for fit on a large base.
Does anyone eventualyl have any link to a proper conversion made from the dragon ogres? Even if im not going to allow myself to spend 45euros for 3 models. (f*#k me, cant make up my mind)
I honestly think about just playing dragon ogres as bull centaurs and a shaggoth as tauruk.
This are great models, have the right base size and you can get them sometimes relatively cheap when somebody sells a chaos army (because dragon ogres are not really top notch competitive ;-)).
body of chaos horse + torso of black orc - well known and seen but the addition of a dwarf hammerer head is new I think. I can't imagine such a "mutation" try it and show us please. :)
Mine was a question because I dont have those bits, I have some black orc AND I might be able to find the heads, but no way at all for the horses.
guess one will do it for a test model. Ask here at the The Market Place. Your compatriots will surely help you with that. (to save high shipping costs)
I might be able to try atleast the head on the black orc body, if that fits, should works already with the horse body
I used Chaos knight horse body and Mantic ogres torso. Still less beefy than a FW centaur, but bigger than the metal ones from the 1980-1990's.
Here's a link or two :
- Link 1 to my blog - Link 2 to my blog
I like a lot your work and
Here you can see the best conventions that I saw in Internet.
I already know this one, the problem I have with ogres, is that they obviously look retarded.
I dont like at all their expression, dumb as flick.
This is why I hoped the dwarf hammerer head would work, but nope.