Nope whatever you got is good there is no need to “pad” it as it were. Basically of you like how the story goes I’ll find a way to make it fit.
Nope whatever you got is good there is no need to “pad” it as it were. Basically of you like how the story goes I’ll find a way to make it fit.
Need a Email adress on who to forward my story too please respond in personal message so I can send my lil story away.
I’d really like to contribute some artwork for one of these. Let me know if there is anything that I can do. I know the deadline for this one if fast approaching so if there is nothing that I can do this time around, keep me in mind for next time.
Do you have an examples of your work? Please PM me and I can take a peak.
Reminder everyone Deadline for submissions is Saturday so get cracking!
Getting close to deadline now and getting more stuff in so keep up the good work everyone.
if you need anything else just shout
Getting some awesome artwork in, I love it.
Too bad everyone will have wait until the end of the month to see it.
Thommy H:
What’s the situation with the Gozadini and Khazharn artwork? I’d prefer some input on that if it’s not already done…
Has it even been decided who is doing it?
I was asked to do a piece with your Gozzadini and Khazarn Tommy and i hope i did them justice. I tried to follow your descriptions of them as best i could and il hope you’l approve of them when you see it. :hat off
What's the situation with the Gozadini and Khazharn artwork? I'd prefer some input on that if it's not already done...I think you'll be quite pleased with it.
Thommy H
Thommy H:
Ah, I’ve seen it now and I just sent Willmark a PM asking who the artist was because I didn’t recognise the name, but now I see your avatar I remember your work. Very impressive stuff, and I get quite a kick from seeing something I wrote in illustrative form.
Still working… soon!
Thanks Tommy! :hat off
Hey everyone some more Slave Pen questions would be good too!
I have to wonder if my little story would have been good enougth to make it :S
Hey guys/Willmark when the planned release of the WoH #8? :o
How long will it last?
Its scheduled to be out on March 28th. Don’t know if I can make it by then but I’ll try.
I can say this its going to be a big issue.
EDIT: Also in need of more Slave Pen submissions.
Got a ton of stuff done last night but Saturday is doubtful for release.