Project Name: The Word of Hashut- Issue #5 (Summer 2009)
Project Leader: Willmark
Project Goal:To complete issue #5 of the Webzine
Submission/Publish Dates Submissions: Saturday, May 30th / Publish: Saturday, June 27th
Content Editor: Cornixt
Submissions Coordinator: Servius
Confirmed Artwork requests: YTBD
Confirmed Writers/Writing requests: YTBD
Here is the place that communications will take place for the community as a whole regarding the production of issue #5 of the Word of Hashut.
We are now accepting articles.
Hmmm no one wants to step up??? 
I’ll check with Cheney or Tweety from Rites about that one thing we talked about. Assuming you have more info on that.
So, when’s it coming out? Huh? Huh? Is it ready yet? 
Hmmm no one wants to be step up???
I've already contributed :)
And you already know what else I'm working on, (full steam ahead on that this week) IP allowing...
Let me know if you want anything else doing :cheers
Hi Willmark,
Interested in an article on sculpting or on casting?
We are now accepting articles.
Baggs- you know how we do 
Sojerdo- sure put something together and send it into Servius; the more photos the better.
Hey Will… i forgot the pass for the Closed part of the WoH site… could you PM it… Also… as Will is getting lazy! Staff Members. Send my your Email… I need to reinvite you all to goplan.
Hi Willmark
My self and Ubertechie have been working on a CD campaign for our local GW store in Kent we have a set of rules for use with the mighty empires board and some CD back ground fluff for the campaign. Its called The Slave Run and is about a CD invasion of the old world (mainly the empire / dwarf holds) to gather slaves for a dark ritual to be preformed by Astragoth: High Priest of Hashut.
We are looking at starting it the first week in May, I was going to post up the rules and background on a campaign thread for people to follow but if you would like to include it in Word of Hashut that would be great, just let me know and I can email you all the bits and some battle reports when we play some games involving CDs
If we can’t fit it into issue #5 there is always #6 but it sounds great, make sure to take plenty of photos!
ALSO- now accepting Slave Pen questions everyone.
ok great i will get my camera out and get to work 
Hashut’s Blessing:
Should stll be the stuff I subitted for the last issue. If not, I’ll resend in a week or so when I’m back at my computer.
Yeah I’ll PM you about that.
Hashut’s Blessing:
Received and understood. Over and out crich
Definite need for Letters to the Slaves for the Slave Pen everyone,
Reminder Letters to the Slaves still neded and deadline for submissions is the 28th.
(edited) I might be able to think of a few more. I take it you’ve got my emails?