[Archive] CDO's Presence at Baltimore Games Day 2010


It is the only one this year AFAICR and its being held on August 21st.


I’ll be there. I don’t know what all will be happening that day, but I’m definitely willing to lend a hand. :hat off


hm, for example a huge device with a minerals as a source of light and a big moveable mirror attached to it.

The Mirror could be the polished inside of a giant dragon scale of old, with either glowing minerals as said, or fire being reflected as a light source. The idea being that a convexed scale's interior could focus and direct the light.


Im a huge fan of themed battles, gives an extra dimension to a game. But isn’t a wind powered pump a bit iffy, That’s what slaves are for. Maybe picture the wheel of pain from conan the barbarian with orcs pushing it to drive the oil pump.