[Archive] Chaos Dwarfs- Gunline problem?


Might be worth it. Conventional wisdom here dictates at least a unit of ten to be effective.

Uzkul Werit:

Five are useful for flanking but that is it. They’re so fragile. You can’t afford to use them like normal heavy cavlary.


i use 4 bolt throwers and recently they have done well, and there a must for fighting monsters,

fighting ogre kingdoms is a must

Uzkul Werit:

You might aswell against the Ogres since Blunderbussmen are next to useless against them.


Five are useful for flanking but that is it. They're so fragile. You can't afford to use them like normal heavy cavlary.

Uzkul Werit
My plan (subject to the vagueries of terrain) is to use them in conjunction with one of my 1x10 hobbo wolf rider units. The plan is to hit the target unit with both whenever possible. And if possible let the wolf riders take the brunt of missile fire.


Hi there…

BCs work great, but only in combination with wolfrider-screens… they more than win their points, in addition they look great and my opponents fear them…

talking about BTs, I always use 2, ALWAYS (save once) winning more than double their points value…

CDs have great artillery and a fair 12 inch gunline, which is still quite squishy though…


Hi there...
BCs work great, but only in combination with wolfrider-screens... they more than win their points, in addition they look great and my opponents fear them...

As established in previous threads Ravening Hoards (our pdf list as is) has nerfed the BCs quite a bit from 6th edition. If there is one unit that needs to be fixed its BCs with Sneaky Gits a close second.


I totally agree… no need to say the rules are very unclear…

and still, these two units are probably those with the most potential, if changed


Agreed we can all easily invisage BCs being a rock hard unit, sneakys as a scout unit is very fluffy IMHO.


I�d suggest BCs get barding…


Possible solution, I don’t think GW will go that route however.